I dreamt of AaronYan! Oops, I'm an Jiro fan today! :D
Sunday, September 13, 2009

as alot of my friends knew I'm in a GOOD MOOD TODAY xD
eventually, I'm in a HIGH/GOOD/PERFECT/OPTIMISTIC MOOD nowadays. :D
& I'm sososososososososososososo HAPPY! :D
heheheheeheheheh, xD I've been blogjumping around & giving people Tags!
Firends/Gans/Anyone! If you all are feeling very low, very sad, chat with me lah! :D
I can be a very good advicer. (haha! :D ) & I may even update my blog each&everyday :D
But I still cry lah. @.@ blurred? haha, I'm so dramatic, this is an dramatic post.
Dont ever say me hor! :o haha! :D
alright, Firstly, Y.Huiqi came back from ShangHai :)
kinda of , good news for someone If that someone has been reading my blog,
he should know who he is. :)
Secondly, I'm thoroughly a JIROWANGDONGCHENG fan today!
I called up Christal & told her, Ha-Ha-Ha! :D
she's so kind arh, we switched our idols today, she's an AARONYANYALUN fan today!
haha! :D
I had my nap just now & guess wad ?
I dreamt of AaronYan! :D
SO happyyyyyyyyyy, But too bad! I'm an Jiro fan today );
but I still enjoy myself for dreaming him! (:
& I offed my computer @ 3.20a.m yesterday night & I slept at 7.30a.m this morning!
So sad arh! oky, I'm fine with it. :D
oky, people , if you're sad/feeling low , do chat with me in msn :D
shout.out-raquel@hotmail.com (for passerbys. :D )
byebye! :D

[Hi!:D I'm back :D ]
alright, I'm so happppppppppppppppppppppy now also :D
know wad? I'm on msn with Jieying&Joey now! :D
too bad, Joey off le! ): so sad arh!
Left with Jieying now. :D
If you read her blog, I guess you'll know that our conver is filled with ':D' ! :D
ahahahahahahah, :D
Well, I've been chatting with Cheries today too! :D
Yewhwee also! We're cursing Wenhong not to do his homework! :D
Hope sooooooooo! :D
haha, alright, I shall end now,
I dont want to talk much leeeeeeeee, & Schoolmates/Classmates/Friends,
If you all see me in school tmr, I will smile at you veryveryveryveryveryvery BROADLY! :D
hehe, okyyyy,
byebyeeeeeeeeeee :D

Love Jieying♥.

Mood swings high UP to the sky ! :D

well, I've been in a good mood recently kay!:D
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ my mood swings high UPUPUPUP to the sky! :D
maybe its b'cos after seeing K.O so happy :D
Now on msn with Zhirou, Jieying & Jiamun :)
I miss Jiamun so much lah! So long never chat with her,
did she miss me too? *BHB* :D Jiamun jiay0u kay!
freak that Zoe. :D
Zhirou! chatting with her about PSLE thingy.
haha, sweetsweetpie. :D weeeeeeee~ We'll jiay0u tgt yeah! :D
hehe, she rocks lah, she's also very kind! :D Zhirou , you rocks! :D
Jieying! lei, chat with her about somethings lah~
asking her some questions of homeworks. :D
alright, love her too. :D
peeeeeeeeeeeeeeps. But my mood is down again b'cos of HOMEWORKS.
Ms Tan's , Mdm Mazlinda's luckily no Mrs Joycelim's one.
I bet she wont give any. :) she's a kind & understanding teacher! :D
Alright, i will come back later lah, gonna go off & chat liaow. :D
Hehe! :D
alright, Cya' all later! :D
byebye! :D

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh, I realise that I've been updating my blog almost everyday , YEAH!?
I'm superduper B-O-R-E-D.
Is there a Boredom of speech? HA-HA :D
Will be tonning computer with XihuiPrecious:D
Wooooo~ I haven't yet bathe! :P Wahahaha :D
alright, I went to watch Getai yesterday @ Sembawang.
Woooo, my favourite Getai singers were there! :D
(You all must be shocked that I actually like Getai(s) yeah?) :P
HA-HA-HA :D Ah-lah, i like Getai(s) I admit, LOL. (I've not used this for long!)
Yay, I love Haohao! Ah, I hope to be a Getai Singer too! *Dream on~
I would love to go & sing on Getai & earn money next year .
HA-HA :D siaow hor me, I'm that daring. *( I guess my friends knew~ )
oky, I'll come back & post later. :)
kay! I shall list out wad am I doing later. {:
Bathe. Watch TV for about 1hr. Study. (at midnight , x.x )
Booooooooooooo! alright,
I will come back lrt ,

[Hi! I'm back. x) ]
Yesyesyesyes! :D
I'm so hpy :D
Double , nono, Triple , EYH, nono! Is SUPERDUPER HAPPY ! :D
Yay! :D Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
I tell you all,esp. Xinyi 根本就是虛驚一場嘛!! :D
Siaow, the Script-writer want to scare all of the viewers to death!
stupiddddddd script-writer. Hmpf! :@@@@!
I bet Xinyi watch tmr will also be angry with the Script-Writer de lo!
Alright, I'll pei her watch tmr again x] too exciting le! :D
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ My mood is in the 最高潮 NOW !:D
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! :D
Or maybe, EVERYDAY! :D Yayyyy! :D
hehe, alright, gtg now~ cya all tmr, byebye! :D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hi! :D
I secretly use computer while my father is not at home, x.x
HAHA. :}
See those photos up thereee? :D Yeah, it was all taken yesterday.
Woooo~ I had alot of fun yesterday! :D
I thought I cant go to Cheryl's chalet b'day party yesteday. ):
but a miracle happened ~ haha. No lah, my father allow me! x]
yay, haha, i had alot of fun.
reached home @ about 12midnight yesterday, i was totally worned out.
I will do a proper update when I'm free about the whole journey kay. :) I promise :)
I only have one word to describe yesterday, F-U-N = FUN! :D
hehe, just let the photos do the talking. :)
Update next time when I'm free. :)
byebye! :D
will come back to continue post when i'm free.


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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take a bow
