& In the end ..
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hi peoples.
ok. );
I've .......
yooooooohooooooooo ~ But my marks was a dissapointment for my mother.
she was hoping me to get 170 + & above. But i've only got 154.
sad. but my friends did very well. :)
better than me . Happy for them.
but .. some need to retain .. feel very sad for them .
ok, stop saying all those sad things. Alright. I've just read the news &
they said that , this year, 1424 pupils not promoting up to Secondary School.
i'm relieved when i saw my marks. But .. there's this point that i don't understand.
English : C .
Mother Toungue : A.
Science : E.
& yet i've passed.
Can't believe. Well, i would like to thanks the MOE. (Haha!)
ok. I've lost my camera. All thanks to Audrey Kuah.
another suay matter. Nevermind, buying a new one soon.
gonna work in the holidays.
ALRIGHT. Nothing to post.
byebye {;

& In the end ..

Featuring ...
Saturday, November 21, 2009

hey, hi , hello . :)
featuring more peoples today~
ok, here i go ! :D

Firstly ,
Jieying. (my best english tutor, she's the friendliest teacher!)
Well, Jieying, you've always been so friendly!
when the first time i talked to you on phone, i've already
confirmed that you're the most friendliest person i've ever met .
you always talk to me about .. C.R , somethings that i've never done
a research on it before! (isn't that amazing?) your smile is always filled with sunshine,
well, its sad to leave you too,
takecare, i will miss you lots lots lots. (LOTS!)

} Takecare & I will always remember your sunshine smile.

Jami. (my very nice & funny friend, will definitely find her when shopping comes!)
Hi Jami ! You're also very sweet & lovely.
my overall/deepest impression of yours is ..
You are really a SHOPPING QUEEN.
i'm often envious of you, you can go anywhere you like.
i enjoy chatting along , crapping with you away on phone.
but 2 years past. After all those shoppings, excitement we've gone through ,
i realised, you're a very nice friend! People just don't understand you sometimes.
well, samething,
Takecareeeeeeeeee & I will miss you too.
(if nobody's there to accompany you for shopping, remember, there's me!)

Jade. (another .. funny & cute nice friend of mine! Sweetest love comes from her!)
Heyheyheyhey! Hi Jade!
you gave me the sweetest love! You always give me a very nice smile , too!
i knew you through International Dance .. I didn't expect that i'm in the same CCA
as you! What a concidence.
although i've knew you only 2 years.
but the feeling is like , so many years. Takecareeeeee too ya.
I will miss you much much much ! All the best!
Love you too.

Hanwei. (he's making himself a fool sometimes, but he's very cool!)
I don't know how to describe you actually,
but you're very cool! You have a very coolish look yeah!
although sometimes you're making a fool of yourself,
but you're still very cute lah.
Takecareeeeeeeeeeeeeee in Sec1 & You have very nice dimples! (hahaahaha!)

Qixuan. (shenjingbing, qinaide, cutest smile ! )
Qixuan! you're a very nice person i've known.
although i'm closer to you this year compared to last year,
but i realised, sometimes you're very cute!
well... i have alot of things to say about you,
but , i guess you should know it lah , haha!
Takecareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ; always remember me!
lots of love!

done featuring, don't see yourself up here? Look at the video than!
You would confirm find yourself in one of the group photos.
will make one full version of a video & upload soon!
byebye ~~

- Re : Happy Birthday to AARONYAN!
Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to YOU! :)
i've like/love/admire your talents/support you for 2 years. :D
& you're 25 years old already!? :D
time flies so fast. One blink of an eye. You're already living for 25years.
& yet your face is still young & sweeeeeet. :)
I wish you all the best in your career , & i always love the Young&Sweet,
- AaronYan :D
(ok. this is a short post dedicated to him , cause, my love for this idol
is manymanymanymany MANY words/sentence to describe. :D )

Byebye, Woodlands Ring Primary.

} thats wad i call true friendship.
Hi peoples.
no emotions on greetings today.
b'cos its the last day I spent in school.
its very sad for me b'cos i can't laugh/cry/play/get scolded/come school
together with my friends & mates anymore.
I miss my friends. I miss my classmates. I miss my schoolmates.
I miss ANYONE who knows me & i know them.
it was Friendship High Tea yesterday.
I cried when i saw the Video Flashback. ):
somethings to tell my friends.
Firstly ,
Christal & Cheries. (my two lovely & lively Best friends. )
You two are like Sunshine of the day.
I suppose , everyday! Although we often laugh & play.
but we studied together when PSLE's arriving.
although we're just best friends for the short 2 years.
But i have fun with you two ! We laugh & play,
We giggle & We even get scolded together by Mr Hoe that time!
& We can still laugh. {; We three have the best memories that time!
but i didn't expect that , 'Seperate' comes so fast.
I also didn't expect that we will leave each other , So fast.
I will keep the memories in my heart.
CCR ; Takecareeee , All the best.
Secondly ,
Mavis,Lifang&Jane. (my playmates & ofcourse, my best friends.)
You three have always been such a funny friend to me,
although we don't often go recess with each other,
we don't stay-back together.
but we do play with each other , yes?
Mavis, although we don't know each other long time ago,
but this short 2 years time, we play, we eat , we stay-back ,
we took hundreds & thousands of photos together! we even
cry together. Maybe its seperating time.
it comes so fast. I will miss you , takecare Mavis.
Lifang, you're my Primary 1 - 4 same-classmate.
takecareee when you're in Sec 1 , don't forget me!
I will always remember the foolishness of yours.
same thing, although we aren't in the same class last year & this year,
but we still keep in touch (so close!) during Primary 5&6,
i will never forget you.
Jane ! Well , we knew each other since K2.
i didn't expect that i will become classmate with you again @ Primary 4&5 !
i will miss you too. Takecare yeah. Hugs & Kisses.
} Takecare , Mavis Lifang Jane .
Thirdly ,
Kimberly , Mynn. (sometimes, they sweet my life up!)
Well , Hello! Kimberly' Steady.
Mynn' Sweetfriend. you two always sweet my life up.
Kimberly, i play , talk , laugh , joke with you always .
I even cry with you for the first time today!
We always joke with each other with Christal.
Well, all i have to say is. Takecaree when you're in Sec 1.
I will missssssssssssssss Steady LOADS!
Mynn! Samething, although i've only knew you since
we're in Primary 5 when we're in the same Mother Toungue Class!
wad a concidence. yeah, samething, i will miss you.
Takecaree when you're in Secondary 1.
} Lots of love . Takecareeeeeeeeeee.
Lastly ,
Kenneth. (my cute & lively brother. )
Well, Hi Brother!
I always love this very cute brother i have in school,
sameeeeeeeeeeeee thing, although we' only started being friends
in Primary 5, but I always treat you as my long ago- brother.
Takecareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeah.
Keeeeeeeeeep in touch hor.
} Lots of love . Takecareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
i have finished appreciation words & i would definitely miss them.
ok, Its my dearest AARON YAN'S birthday today.
I will dedicate one more post for him late night.
PS : Do see the video! You may even saw yourself inside.
Its done by me personally. Go to YouTube & find my video too!
'Friends For Life [1].wmv' scroll down!
alright, byebye.

When rock disolves.
Sunday, November 15, 2009

heyhihello peoples! :D
alright. there are so many pictures taken yesterday! '-'
okok. I'll upload some of them to entertain you all.
hehe. :D Lets start with a group picture!:D

okok. The last 3 photos is very accordingly de. :)
Raquel with Christal. Raquel with Cheries
& Raquel with MichelleTan! :D hehe, all in diff. background oh. :D
alright, still have alot lah! aiyoyo, okok. will make a proper update
@ night or maybe not. Depends . :)
alright, byebye! :D

Make a U-turn.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

okok. Hihi . :D
alright, Cheries.O & Xinyi told me to update blog . :)
haha, & tada, here I am. :D
oky, basically, i'm bored to death. USBed my camera & handphone.
just now was using camera, now than handphone. haha. :D
don't know why , my PC's bluetooth has technical problems.
aiya, don't wish to concern so much anymore, alright,
blog exploring ...... tmr gonna go school & talk about Class Outing ;
OH, my sister wants to transfer school, wadthehell, so mafan.
Must meet Mrs Mano for the Subject offered in Primary 5 .
mafan right!? meet Mrs Mano. stupid.
I'm oh-so-not-going-to-care-at-ALL.
isn't that so troublesome? Did this MOE English Online Test.
Its interesting, first time me doing in the computer, touch-screen one lei!
there's this feedback question, it asked " Why do you like doing test on computer than paper ? "
I answered " Its easy & interesting . Paper very irritating and troublesome. Must use 2B pencil."
haha! :D Christal & Cheries were sitting beside me & christal laughed.
surfed on the internet for 1 and half hours.
papa bought me shoes for high-tea. :)
hehe. okok. I guess i've typed quite a long post alr.
haha. ok. byebye :D

The title of my story.
Monday, November 9, 2009

Hi! :D
ok, photos uploaded, beautiful friends,
get from here, ok. ? :)
hehe, alright, let me start with today's Chinatown Trip.
its fun, interesting & ... maybe a lil'bit boring? :O
on the way back, 7-up & Pepsi compete with each other.
Guess who won ? :)
7-up ! :D My group, hehehehe , xD
it has been a boring day for me.
W/O the twinnies' laughters ~
i'm with Michelle Wong ! );
sad right !?
haha. oky, camwhored at the toilet in the afternoon in school.
with Christal, Cheries , Kimberly, Lifang , Jane & Mynn ! :D
hahaah, oky oky.
thats all for today.
byebye . :)

I'm looking out of the train.
Friday, November 6, 2009

Hi !
Bye. :)

Describing the word Fun.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hello people ~ :D
ha ha ha.
oky. didn't went to school yesterday & guess wad?
NAVAL BASE SECONDARY SCHOOL came to gave a talk.
but i've no interest in their school. :) yeah? :)
Yishun Town ! yes , Yishun Town ! :D
hehehe. xD
I HATE IT!! :@
tmr going to the wadever Jungle Book Trip ..
nothing to do also. & YES YES YES !
6hibiscus is gonna have our very first class-outing ! Yay! :D
but i forget go where le .. X.X ! Sentosa or .. ?
I've forgotten totally!!
i want to find one Hibiscusian to ask, cannot even find one.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :@
gonna go ask my classmates tmr. Played few games today with my classmates.
mostly what we played is (True Or Dare) play until have that kind of ..
(LOVE) feeling come out , goosebumps standing up.
know wad we do? :)
the hand must hold like couple, 十指紧扣.
meaning must tightly ya'know !! Still must send FLYING KISS lei.
5 flying kisses lei! (; cool right ! :)
haha. Cheries held with Junyu.
Christal held with Nico.
Me held with Nico.
Wenhong's so LAOYA. lousy ! Eeeeeeee.
don't dare to do this & that. Lan dao ... siaow.
okok. Currently on msn with Jieying & Debbie. :D
oky, gtg alr.
post up photos soon, ( I APOLOGISE.)
ok. byebye! :D

Facing the reality.
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hello peepos. :D
i've restartopen up my blog alr. Hehe. :D
although i'm sad, i feel like crying , but I've learnt that,
I have to face the reality of me moving house.
although It'll be a long period for me to move house again,
but I'll wait. I'll definitely wait for 2 & a half years to arrive.
& That day, 1/11/2012 , I can start selling my house & I'm moving in the Januaries.
or maybe Decembers! :D YAY :D
I'm moving back to Ang Mo Kio by that time.
thats what my Parents promised me.
& I'm gonna swear , I'm moving for sure by that time.
So .. haha, happy ~ :D
alright, play Pet Society & Sexy City @ facebook just now.
quite fun, my cousin is a great player in Pet Society hey. :D
hehe, he has alot of trophies in his trophy room. xD COOL right!? :D
will post up photos soon ~~ hmm .. mean time, i'll not be playing computer
& know why? Its spoiled );
Gonna go repair ~~ ok.
I'm gonna skip school ~ Hehe, ok. byebye ~~ .


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

August 2008
March 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
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April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
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October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
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October 2013

take a bow
