We're gonna bid a goodbye to 2009.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All the old memories @ 2009.
Will miss them! ): ok, Will be going out later with Jami .
I shun bian go service my phone.
Alright, will update @ night or tmr with photos.
Bahhhhhhhhhhhbye. (: Tag peoples !

Its the same thing.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hello peepos. (:
nothing special happened today~
morning - woke up, get ready, off to MacPhersonPrimary.
reached there - go General Office, blablabla ~
went to joined the queue of selling uniform.
my sister's turned, keep testing & testing.
the cutting of the uniform so small . Zzz.
The uniform hor, no button de. [Girls's Blouse.]
boys de then have, quite nice (: Green coloured.
Skirt neh.. is Checkered dark green. Omgx, the school is supaaaa cool alright!
Primary school have lift de. & each & ever students have own LOCKER.
Good right! Better than mine lei. Shoes lei, Black colour de.
it has been days i've not onlined my msn .........
boredboredbored. Hmm.. will put up my tagboard soon..
I guess nobody have been viewing my blog for updates bah.
B'cos its very boring. Haha(:
alright, nothing to blog about also.
So ....
Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbye. :)

BSS ! :D
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yo, :D
alright, its middle of the night, 5.45AM now,
I'm so so so so so bored just now @ 4.59AM, so, decided to on my com
to play ! :) hahaha, x)
forget to wish everybody a Merry Christmas , Sorry! x.x
so , a late Merry Christmas to everybody. :)
will be going to my grandmother's house later.
Need to get a sleeping bag from her, cos first week of school need to go Camp ~
so .. I'll be putting back my tagboard after some time ~
Alright, its a very short post for now, update afterwards @ Grandmother's house.
Bahhhhhhhhhbye. :)

Keep on going.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wello, Hello, Ello, Lalo, wadever (LO) ~
haha ~ woke up @ morning 6.30 .
or , should i say I didn't even sleep for the whole night?
haha, yeap. I didn't sleep for the whole night.
OK, i woke up & wait for my mother to bathe finish,
then i bathe, change, get ready to set off.
& off i go, I am so excited alright!
then.. when reaching the school, saw alot of people le.
walked into the school by the main gate, then these two Student Councilors(?)
told me " Please proceed to the Foyer." & i walk walk, saw alot of people crowding over a whiteboard, it wrote down classes de class list. & I walked over & directly I SAW MY NAME.
So fast hor? x) I was like So so so so so so so SHOCK.
1N2. My new class is 1N2. :D yoohooo ~ :D :D
happy oky ! (: then.... my school has lift ! omgx, cannot believe !
On every floor somemore arh! Then.. gonna have Indoor Sports Hall! YAY! >> :D
then..... my P.E shirt is wad you know? (: Kilimanjaro. hen qiguai right!?!?
haha, still have Rushmore, Everest, Olympus etc lah~ :)
okok, it has been a tiring day for me le.
Gottago, update tonight.
Byebuh. :)

Walking on the old streets.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alright, Hello peepos. :)
Hehe, few printscreen shots ~~~ x)
above is with Christal's MSN conver while chatting we shared photos~ x)
click for larger view! (:
& I went to Zhenhui's blog just now & saw the post ! hahahah. View it yourself too! (:
& one more is George Hu's blog ~ can't believe it man! xD
hehe, alright, its 12.22AM now ...
ooooh~ I went down this morning @ 5.26AM to buy breakfast ! x)
i thought the stalls aren't opened yet, but it opened!
Such a surprising morning . x]
alright, go to Kimberly's Blog! go & read the post she've made latest. :)
its funny! Me & Her very good at making up stories hor ? :D
hehe, alright..... so ........
I'm kinda nervous .. [ i mean who's not nervous/excited?] hehe,
I'm wondering wad school i'm gonna go ... hmm...
omgomg, i must get into that school man, i love it!
& first day of school, i'm gonna go back to WRPS ! :)
hehe ~ I'll definitely miss WRPS ):
I play, laugh , joke, study, make new friends &
go cca[well, this one 3years only~] @ there for 6years!
can't believe "shooo!" 6years flies so fast & i've graduated from there just like that!?
i'll not forget the times i've spent with my friends.
Esp my P5&6 friends! :)
they give me the best memories ever.
So.. goodluck to all my friends @ WRPS ! :)
ok.. now, i'm supreme bored & i've decided to stop posting & wait for 2AM. :)
oky? Hehe, okyoky.
Goodthebye Senseoflov-v!

29thMarch2009 + 16thDec2009 ! ♥
Friday, December 18, 2009

Photos Taken on 16thDecember2009 (:
ALRIGHT! Fahrenheit came to singapore on the 16thDec09! :D
I attended! I attend Fahrenheit's EVENT @ ST.JAMES POWER STATION!
I bet you all want to hear my grandfather story, rightright? :D
hehe, alright, i went there late morning. It was about .. 11+ i reached there.
You know, Singaporeans are 'kiasu'. The fan clubs went there @ 5. -.-
& So, i sat down under the big hot sun.
i met new friends. But forgotten to ask for their numbers.
I only have 1 of them de ! ): Will try to contact them ASAP ~ (:
ok, back to topic. OK, i want to skip to the entrance .
Securities are checking the tickets & I went running&running.
I go in so MANY people arh! then i found a spot where its standing @ the Staircase.
& I'm very stupid alright, i very KIASU mah! I started to raise up my hand.
Guess why am I doing it? (: I'm trying to test whether the host can see me anot!
B'cos play games mah!! (: KIASU RIGHT? RIGHT? YEAH ~ ! (:
& then, the host came, Its Jia Hui from YES 933.
& then she started blablabla ~ & Said " I have 32 nominess(is it?) who can play games with
FAHRENHEIT, who wants? " & everbody go screaming " ME!!!"
I'm definitely one of them! wahahahaahahahahah xD &
The host says, 1000+ fans , only 32 selected.
& She said , " You all hor, must make me attracted to you , "
then she chosed th fourth one, I held my bag up ! (to attract her attention mah! )
& I go screaming " ME ME ME !! " I tiptoe somemore arh!
then she look @ my direction ! (Omgomg, i was thinking, me arh? )
then she say " The girl who's holding one bag , " I pointed @ myself & said " Me arh!?!?"
I confirmed twice! & she said " Yeah! Thats you! yeah, YOU ! "
I go " YAYYYYY!!! I screamed man! & Everybody give me that "Oh, bitch." face lo!
Those who aren't chosen kept quiet when i'm chosed. xD
I'm supersuper happy ! xD I kept " Excuse me, I want to walk, Excuse me."
then I came to the ‘工作人员' there, which means, the backstage.
& She gave me the sticker. The photo's up there. & I was so nervous!!!!
& then, the host said " I saw 4 tall&big shadows ~~~ & Lets welcome ! FAHRENHEIT!"
I GO SCREAMING!! "AHHHH~~~! " Who'll not scream !?!?
hahahahahahaha ~ ! & then they appear RIGHT INFRONT OF MY EYES!
I can't believe man! & They singsing ~ & then the host said " Later , you'll all play games
with your fans. 1000+ fans, only 32 can play with you four."
got this fan, dont know lah, say wad " I want I want! " alr chose still say I want I want.
zzz. Spoil mood. OK!, then the host say " We've alr chosed out."
I'm sosososo lucky! & Then the person counted & said "ok, go up."
then i walked up the stairs & OMGOMGOMG,
i was about to faint! They're all so charming !
I faster run to AaronYan's place.
& then got four want to play! Ohdear -.-
I dont want to make a diffcult spot for him , so i jumped to Jiro's (:
& Wuzun started to play first. Followed by Calvin,
Jiro insisted to be the LAST! & While waiting, i called Christal ON THE SPOT, ON THE STAGE!
Jiro was standing beside me ! xD I told him the situation, & he didn't even hesitate
& just talk to Christal "Yoyoyo, check it out x3 Wo shi Da dong~ " Christal screamed!
alright, it was our turn to play games. & then when starting, I told myself.
"must win , must win, must win."
& then Jiro act until super funny arh! & the fan hor, like shit. -.-
Dont know how to answer liddat. I so nervous, I keep answering.
the the other fan was in a great help too anyway! (:
& we defeated other teams by answering 15 Questions! :D
Yayyyy ! I was so happy & i get a chance to take photo with the FOUR of them!
I faster run over beside Aaron ! (心机啊!) & !!!!
I got a feeling that in my heart "Eh, whose touching my shoulder arh? "
I felt so uneasy by then. & GUESS WAD? Its Aaron hugging me !
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg! I was happy till like going to heaven !
& Calvin stood beside me too! I was 'kiaped' by two big handsomes! :D
So paiseh! x.x *blush!* & we went down );
i was so she bu de ); But i had a fun time! Once i got down, the
person asked me to write down my email, my name.
they say they'll email me the photos. I WAS THRILLED.
I felt SO lucky :D & I faster wrote the letter & pass it to Jiro.
HE RECIEVED IT! I shout " Must give Aaron read also arh!!"
OH! & Guess wad? the four of them GOT WINK AT ME !!! :D:D:D
so happy ! omg, ok, i kisiaow le. xD xD
Second time in the year saw them real life.
I'm so happy, (; i'm not gonna reveal wad I wrote in the letter ~
But i'm gonna share it with my friends (:
ALRIGHT! It has been a long post I've made.
The story ends just like that ~ (:
OK, haha, i guess i should stop here.
ENJOY & Do give me comments on the end of my post.
hehe~ byebye ~ (:

Lost in the maze.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.o ~
ok, someone sold me the tickets. But i've not seek for my parents'
permission neh. I've gotta know wad time the event ends..
but too late ltr dangerous. Haha! oky, i admit i veli scared. (I sotsot teh.)
Its alr 5.20 now... gonna sleep soon. But I'm making a post instead of sleeping!?!?
haha! My blog song recovered.. hmm.. Myflashfetish.com aren't working anymore.
Must go Mixpod.com ... But since my blogsong can play, then let it be. haha.
But i wna add songgggg. My sister's new primary school is MacPherson Pri.
lalalaalaalalalaalala~ Also need to take bus wad. -.- still say my father will drive her.
I must Bendemeer! I like Bendemeer alot. xD hehe!
alright, I'm bored .... Gonna sleep soon.
But before sleeping will watch DVD ~ x)
mother helped me to bring out my box of my idol things out yesterday.
& MY POSTERS ROLLED UP BECAME ROTI PRATAAAA!!!!!! I go mad & screaming around the house, i'm so so so so so so so SAD. Kept rolling the posters.
kept my dvds, my magazines, my albums,everything.
Fahrenheit's Music Showcase 2009, here I come! {:
I'll definitely go. Even though my parents' dont allow. I can still bluff them mah!
hehe xD Only this can work .. so.. I'll be out early in the morning to BOOK place.
cause , First Come First Serve first basis.
later people cut queue . Singaporeans love to Cut queue , dont they?
Including ME. I'm a singaporean! Haha ~~~
ok, i'll continue tmr or wadever.
byebye ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

Fahrenheit's Music Showcase 16thDec.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hello ! It has been long ever since i've blogged.
alright. Changed link.
I'm busy recently . Finding ways to get TICKETS to Fahrenheit's Music Showcase.
But the amount is over my thoughts.
OKOK, short post here.
Just some infomation about the Showcase.
Event : Fahrenheit Music Showcase 2009.
Date : 16thDec.
Time : 7.00pm. (First come first serve first basis.) Free standing.
Venue : St. James Power Station.
Okok. gonna go find tickets. (:
I wouldn't go any further.
Byebye {:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This special post is dedicated to : FATTY FATTY , SKINNY, PASSERBY & NAMELESS.

Thanks for giving me so lovely tags (:
ok, so , you all are saying me fat.
Well, i admit i'm fat. But, so wad? Oh, i'm not trying to show off my Money & Nails.
Its my blog, i wna write , i wna post anything i like, why should you care?
ok, back to the topic of FAT. I know nobody would want me,
but, why would i want somebody to want me? Please get the facts right before saying me.
& since when did i act chio? & I guess nobody would want to put a 'Chio' on my face.
& i got think i very big meh? &, you have 5000bucks, your problem. Since when did it concerned me? My face look like cheebye meh? Thats only a problem where as a line in the middle, do you think my face has a line in the middle? Go suck whose cock? Your one arh?
you hate Yaoyao your problem, I just dont get it, why everything you hate will concern me? O:
& you said that ghost will come&find me, ok, My concience is clear, why would ghost would come&find me for no reason?
I guailan got guailan more than you not? You said i have fucker nails,
does my nails FUCK? I act RICH? Omg, i don't act rich,
infact, i'm not rich at all, you may ask all my friends whom i went out with. ASK THEM HOW MUCH I BRING AT MOST. :)
everybody has assholes, do you mean you don't have?
& Slimming centre UNDERAGE cannot go. I small meh?
I may be taller than you. You said i don't dare to admit i'm fat. I'm fat, thats me.
wad can you do to me? Kill me? Burn my house down & let me die in the flames?
Thats just me , Ya, Raquel Kuah. & I bet you all are gangsters (or maybe not) .
why wouldn't you just put your name down? Must you use all your nameless, passerbys etc. ?
you don't have your real name? Your birthcert dont have your name huh?
Must go Government re-register a new name? need money leh.
ok, you wna spam, spam more lo.
nevermind. ~{:

- - - - - - - - -

ok. end here. byebye.

I've fighted for the glory.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello! {:
it has been long ever since i've blogged.
hmm.. last week thursday till now.
haha. :D ok, ever since i've lost my camera ,
I gotta use my old camera back again, guess wad?
know wad camera I'm using now? Sony Ericsson W705i camera lah.
i'm still pending for my camera from my daddy.
He promised me to buy for me @ the Christmas Sale.
i take his words for real (!) So, my mommy is the witness. :D

love my light pink nails & the $100 bucks!
Ooo ~ I have new light pink nails! It was Black with light Pink polka dots on it.
& while watching nine o'clock's show i changed it to Light Pink. xD
coool right! I'm afraid of the uploader is slow so the picture is small. -.-

Alright ~~ I've submitted my S1 Option form.
& thats the Verification form they gave to me.
click for a larger view (:
have alot of things to blog about but must upload photo -.-
went to the singapore biggest Ikea & Courts on last Sunday. (:
It was like a mazeeeeeee there & I can't even find my mother.
my father bought a Table Lamp for me (: Green in colour! love it. xD
& ...

a new green lamp . :D i love the pattern!
its nice :D i've got quite alot of new things recently ..
hmm.. I've got a new table lamp,
i've got a new mirror (full), i've got new bed frames,
i've got a new mouse, i've got new earpiece, i've got a new water heater. anything else new? O: haha! :D ok, hopefully there's more things NEW. :D
ok, rewind back to yesterday .. I've been midnight calling with Kimberly'Steady. :D
& yesterday, while we were chatting about posters, a sudden thought of a
comedy show on okto, its a advertisment too lah. xD 'Cosmo & George' ! :D
the advertisment of the girl who loves Cosmo, haha! :D
i bet Kimberly'll laugh when she saw this. xD hehe!
Slept @ morning 6.30am . :D (estimated time.)
ok.. gottago, an full update here, :D
ok! Byebye. :D


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

August 2008
March 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
June 2012
February 2013
October 2013

take a bow
