I'm definitely DREAMING.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"This is just how I blow the love to you. " - -

So far, so good ! <:
morning boring, skip to after school! <:
Went to canteen, makan , go meet my girlfees, Both boys&girls set off to stadium, (:
Only Jeremy dont want go lah. Bad right ! Darn you Jeremy, <:
He went for Band instead of Track & Field.
So, me, Claudia, Ros, Lisa, Mavis, Lexmond, Larry & Jiajie set off together to the stadium. went to bus-stop, wah! saw so so so so so MANY Bendemeerians. <:
All went up to Bus 31. Onthebus, Almost all the passengers were Bendemeerians.
All BENDEMEERIANS alight @ the same bus-stop, its like all excursion can! :D hahahaaa, so, went there, got into our houses. I'm sweeeeeeet Kilimanjaro ! Hohoho. <:
Cher started dividing into C/B Girls 1x100 , C/B Boys 1x100 followed by C/B Girls 4x100 Relay, C/B Boys 4x100 Relay, <:
Haha, started running , ROS running stamina good okay! I came in fourth! walaoz. :P
haha, Lisa more funneh arh! hahaha ~
Well, something SHOCKING & INCREDIBLE thing happened today, only sisters know you see, <:
so, okay, i'm tired.
Bye !
I must be dreaming.

My life wouldn't be fantastic without you.
Monday, March 29, 2010

Sometimes, I wish that I'm still an small kid that I could still fool around.
ARLOHS PEEPARHS! <: so, my day's fine today. with the hurt of a tragic prank. -.- You see, A sweet HERO played a prank on me , but He trust me mah! so he told me it was fake.
I also dont care lah, you see. <: okay, nowadays i'm late in school. -.- luckily never kenna run. :P Must zhunzhun 7.27AM reach de ! cannot later than that. go school , sat down @ the front. FIRST ONE. (Cos i'm a chairperson. -.-)
then, crap with Lisa, wondering why no space for Andianna. Sorry Andianna !
suddenly , announcement, says "All Chair&Vice Chairs , go meet Mr Ng @ the field."
saw Chinyi! talk bout wad the teacher wants to say. Hahaha.
go field, the cher damn funneh kay!
CHINYI! "I mind, I want seat @ the back. :D " Haha, its damn funneh, we keep laughing.
than , blablabla, stayed back today for this IT Enrichment class.
Fun ! <: - - okay, I tired liaow, bye! <:

Wah, I'm Jeremy's councilor !
Walked to the MRT tgt with Zhiyin, Kelvin, Larry, Jeremy, Peiyong, Lexmond&ETC. :D
PS: ANTI-JIAJIE TODAY ! (He didn't walk with us. But rather, @ the back give negative comments. (BLAHBLAH! :D )
Happy 1 Year to Christal too. <:

My heart skips a beat.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

hohoho, my four sweetbesties now. :D
So called my sisters. :D
ofcourse not forgetting my WRPS sisters lah !
I'll never forget them. <:
alright, was talking otp with Huiling just now! It was so fun!
Cos we gossip about wad happened yesterday while I was talking to Jeremy.
then Jiajie keep disiao us, then want to cheat Claudia's moneh $$, me&huiling laugh like mad okay!
Haha, currently, chatting with Zhiyin&Huiling! <:
haah, alright, i miss die damn lots of my sisters @ WPRS !
alright, takecare you four, hope you all saw this when you all pass by my blog, :P
okay, Shall come back @ night. -
Bye ! <:
- Oh dear, his mother talked to me! :P
"Romance is a poetry of Literature. " Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Friday, March 26, 2010

today was great! share with you all a good news.
me&claudia chosen for the Dance Performance on 17th April ! :D
Yay ! I'm oh-so-HAPPY kan! <:
Zhiyin say my post getting shorter & shorter.
okay peoples, apologise okay? Cos i lazy + nothing to post about . <:
alright ! Science Biology today , went to the front, talk to Kopila, Zhiyin & Huiting! <:
fun okay! Zhiyin go & play with Jiajie's hair. Jiajie scared ! :P
then English, Maths, Dance, lalaalalal ~
okay, bye. :P
haah! okay lah, i lazy to post le.
"Dancing is my verb. " :)
BYE ! :)

Just like how the river flows.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

"You walked through thick & thin with me once, but now, we don't . "
today's mood is quite okay, cos nothing much bad happened.
I had a fun day instead. <:
okay, bye.

You flopped my mood.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"We're onced best friends, but now, we're just like how the sign looks like. "
I flipped a table in class today , I scolded a classmate of mine b'cos of he asking me something,
I quarrelled with Jiajie today, I started my morning with a STUPID BLOODY OF ME BEING LATE IN SCHOOL.
- .

Stressed over things.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I've no mood today.
  • I got English homework, Maths homework, Chinese homework, D&T homework !!!!!!!!!
  • I'm frustrated over HOMEWORKS , cos ENGLISH - 40 VOCAB WORDS. (Darn it!)
  • I swear this is the first & last time i'm gonna owe Ms Ong ENG HOMEWORK.
  • Raquel , HATE die ENGLISH MATHS & MOTHER TOUNGUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • They suck . ):

okay, bye.

Contate Domino.
Monday, March 22, 2010

HI! :D
ohyay, I had a fun day in school today! <:
its damn funny right after school cos there's band practise today.
& so .. Morning, recieved my new TIME-TABLE.
I luv HATE english so much !
b'cos its very tough. Stupid right. ):
alright, skip to mother toungue. Claudia veryveryveryveryvery DAMN good lei !
correct Claudia? <: yesyes ?
Lin laoshi was talking about something & she said about me & peiyong. -.- (oh, darn it. )
&then CLAUDIA say , Lin laoshi, say Raquel & Jiajie lah.
Walaoz ! Claudia damn good lo, i like her so much lei ! Claudia ! Need trophy not?
I can make one for you, free one. <: thank aku kay !
Wah, I was like madly angry & i go like " Woiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! "
my teacher also dont care :P
after that I told this show @ nine o'clock @ channel 8 every night.
'The Best Things in Life' if i'm not wrong. then I say , my teacher suddenly call me & say "
Raquel, two pages of textbook copying. (Walaoz eh!) "
damn wad right. -.- I now also haven't do. :P
then I still continue talking lei !
Huiting & Zhiyin laugh like dont know wad. :D
after school, went for lunch but not exactly lunch cos I only drank Grape beverage. <:
after that, went to this bench here, played with others.
Jiajie told me something that i laughed like wtf.
I cannot reveal lah, later he kill me. But its REAL funny ! :D
so .. you see, those photos are up there. Let photos do the talking.
Bye !
aku benci kau. -.- kau pegi mampus okay , aku dah tak nak jumpe kau lagy ! Kau sucks lah. -.-

I'm a STAR. :D
Sunday, March 21, 2010

alright, I didn't update my blog yeahyeah.
so here am I . (:
okay, yesterday was fun lah ! I miss 6HIBISCUS damn much kan ! :D
so .. yesterday morning, house under renovation. -.-
so noisy ! :@ so I woke up early in the morning cos my mother say those people will come @round 8-9plus.
So ,I've to wake up @ 7plus. Darn it.
after mum's nagging, go & brush up . went into the room & wait&wait&wait.
@round 8plus, those renovators(?) came. Then they start work.
damn fast huh. MAKE SO MUCH NOISE. -.-
after awhile, me & mama went to the market & have breakfast.
also alot of people, make me find a seat so hard. -.-
Finally found a seat, settle down, mother went to buy food .
I had PORRIDGE for BREAKFAST ! yumyum. I luv it !
finish breakfast, went back home & lie on my bed & I go (ZzzZzzzZzzz)
until 11plus wake up, the NOISE STARTED bursting in my eardrums again. -.-
My savor came , CHERIES ONG smsed me & say, We reach City Hall alrd.
I was like so so so so so so so so so so overjoyed ! I faster ran & took my things,
go out of the house. <:
Suddenly her message came & say that they reached Paya Lebar alr,
I so kanjiong alr by that time.
After reaching Pasir Ris, took bus 354 to Downtown East.
Ms Tan said she wanted to have lunch, so we splitted up. We went to Burger King makan <:
After that, Playplayplay, talktalktalk, we ended our gathering just liddat.
Well, a fun day we had yesterday ! <:
alright, later fetching my sister from grandmother's house,
so , i'm off facebooking & surfing on the net !
Bye ! See you all ! <:


My heart beats for you.
Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello peepohs ! :P
i'm off to Wild Wild Wet with my dearie sisties! (:
I'll be back w/ alot of photos ! (vv) !
Baiy Baiy !
} - / Back @ 10.20PM.

Hello peepohs again !
I'm back. :)
well, i had fun today with my two sisties , Jane & Mavis. :D
Hovie came along with Mavis today too.
walaoz eh, the ticket costs a bomb ! Dont ever go to WildWildWet with sufficient info. (: *My advice.*
hehe, :P So .. reached there, put our bags in the locker & went of to play.
played this Urlar-lah, very fun. Damn fun, super fun. :D
& then, went & play Shiok river , then Tsunami, but no chance to play the Sky Rider ):
&suddenly, it rained. ): Darn it.
all of us brought dissapointment & went into the shelter. After awhile,
the rain stopped. Yay ! Everybody went back again to play :D
Playplay > Change/Bathe > Go home. :)
I went to my grandmother's house to collect back my phone.
After that , Daddy came & fetched me home. :)
okay, sorry, don't have much photos. today its in my sister's phone. Will try to upload soon.
Bye !

Number 1 : Oh yay, i've got back my phone ! W705 !
Number 2 : Oh double yay, tmr class-outing !!
Number 3 : I'm tired alr, goodnight souls !

Everything's beyond control.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Heyheyhey peoples ! <:
I had a fun day with Huiling & Lisa ! :D
omgx, damn fun kan !
Morning , woke up & I realise I was late ! omgx, i chiong like dontknow wad.
took bus 65 reach outside Bendemeer Primary. I walk there all the way to BendemeerSec lei !
walaoz, damn pekcek kan ! All my father's fault lah .. suddenly say dont want fetch me
to school le, bo bian , i have to walk .
I run LIKE MAD KNOW ! Cos I scared kena scolding by Ms Tina ,
then I run like mad. -.- Reach dance studio, go in, heng arh, never kena scolded. :P
RUN 40 ROUNDS . -.- then Akbar & others came, Claudia & Lynn came.
Ms Tina suddenly say " Add 4 more rounds for my late girls. Add 10(!?!?) more rounds for my late boys. " Walaoz eh !
Toturing right .. ): Sigh ...
today whole day keep warm upping lah. Damn tired okay. -.- My leg muscle now aching like dont know wad.
Then dance, lil'bit only arh ! SOMEMORE, all that Alex's fault ! Go put me in Joshua's team.
make me so laokui. ):
Cos, in that team, ALL GREAT SENIORS. Eg - Joshua & Habeeb !
still got alot lah, i forget le. I dance so ugly. ):
Must work hard on freestyle , cos its damn difficult to think of one.
After Dance, went down & see Takewando & Red-Cross (:
haha, went out, bid goodbye to Claudia ): tmr she cannot pei me arh! cos her flight for today is @ 9.30PM. ):
Hopefully Ms Tina won't be so torturing tmr. (Oh please god ! Grant my wish ! )
After Takewando, Dance , go off with Huiling & Lisa for movie le !
we watched Alice in wonderland , 3D. :P
I rate - 4/5 ! :D Its a terrific show, the animations are well drawned !
I was like a gongong kan! I go & touch the butterfly when I'm on the 3D specs. -.- (DAMN A FOOL.) alright.
after that, bought Burger King, reach home, facebook & here am I here posting. (:

Number 1 : One veryveryvery DAMN paiseh thing happened & I dont wish to mention . :P
Number 2 : I had a great day with Lisa & Huiling ! :D
Number 3 : Hopefully Ms Tina will da fa ci bei , won't let us do so much warm up please!
Number 4 : I gonna go think of one freestyle to show tmr le.
Number 5 : I luv die JJJD. :D

I'm a dancer, i love dancing.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

- } I know I'm ugly.
Greetings earthlings ! (:
lalalalala, i'm damn bored again, thats why I'm here.
okay, currently doing nothing but texting with Yewhwee'brother &Huiling'Nuer . (:
I hate texting now cos I'm not used to Nokia's phone . Thats why.
okay, today's carnival @ Monik's church is great! (:
Its fun okay! I luv it man. :D
we played soccer & I played Rodeo Bull. yay ! :D
haha, fun lah, after awhile went to makan.
Zhiyin took photos man! I dont wish to post. :P
okay, maybe will post up those photos tomorrow. :)
cos I'm damn excited the movieee ! :D
okay, i'm damn tired now, still gonna call Yewhwee later.
okay, end here.
Bye !

Number 1 : There's dance training tomorrow & i love it !
Number 2 : There's band practise tomorrow too.
Number 3 : BOTH different timing & I hate it. -.- !
Number 4 : I'm damn excited for tomorrow's movie trip !
Lastly : I luv today's trip + i've made alot of new friends !

One lie cause thousands of misunderstandings.
Monday, March 15, 2010

How on earth could I be anymore obvious !?
Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala !
Hi, Hello, Halo, Lalo, Balo, wadever lo ! (:
alright, just an short update here. :)
i'm gonna die from boredom. Thats why I'm here to update.
okay. nothing to say also.
Facebook, nothing to do.
Blogger, nothing to say also.
I've activities lined up this whole holiday !
Tuesday - Monik's Church Carnival ! (:
Wednesday - Dance Training (omg, i love it!) + After dance movie with Lisa&Huiling! :D
Thursday - Double the Yay! Dance Training again ! I luv dance trainings !
Friday - WRPS' sister's gathering ! (:
Saturday - Oh yay, 6HIBISCUS' CLASS GATHERING ! :D Double the luv ! (:
Currently.. listening songs, chatting with Claudia'Nuer, Huiling'Nuer & Chinyi'Luvcouple! () ! :)
okay, stop here.
Bye !

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yooooooooooohoooooooooooo peoples ! I'm back from Danceworks 2010 ! :D
I had a supreme fun time today ! Yeah! Right today ! :D
its damn freaking cool to see my seniors dance today alright !
as a newbie, ofcourse I'll go support them ! :D
hehe, & my seniors' hard work didn't go wasted, they won an award !
"Most Energizer Energy Award " ! :D
hahaha, we screamed like mad when we cheered for them. :D
okay, definitely , one day, not everything's happy.
There's one thing that made me pissed off.
thats all those girls which make me so so so so so HATE them.
this girl like Joshua lah hor, the guy took photo with me de.
she like Joshua, she purposely dont want send me the photo that we took as a group together.
She still go put WALLPAPER arh !
she think she take photo with Joshua she very good arh,
I also got take ! -.-
alright , fine. just say the good news. Bad news are not so serious in my eyes.
Thanks to - Miss Tina. Our dance instructor.
Hard work seniors/TSA dancers :
Liyana , Joshua , Weiling, Queenie, Alex, Habeeb, Ken, Pamela , Teeyah & Jinhin!
you all worked so hard for this competition & all of your hard work are not wasted,
Good luck in your future career & Jiayou to Liyana, Joshua, Alex& Ken who are graduating this year.
Jiayou Jiayou on your N/O levels ! :D
Wehweh, cries. ): all of my seniors are all good dancers !
& I definitely love my beautiful & handsome seniors. :P
hehe, esp - Pamela's cheek & Joshua's funny reactions/expressions. :P
I also love Teeyah's DSLR. :P hehe!
alright, thats all for today, worned out alr.
- More photos will be uploaded asap when i get it.
bye ! :D

Wildest dream i've ever made.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ello ! :P
haha, i heard Huiting saying, so i anyhow say also ! :D
alright, posted some photos. Very lazy to put medium size lah.
Enlarge if you want. :)
My brand new classmates @ Bendemeer. :)
1st one is me&claudia, 2nd me, claudia & sani. :D
third one .. (I look like a shit. PS!) Me & Sani. :)
fourth one .. me & Ros during D&T lesson , Oh yay, we finally finished our Cam Toy ! <:
oh, happyhappy. (: then, fifth & sixth is with Huiling & Zhiyin ! <:
okay lah, i still got quite a few, but i didn't upload. Sorry ~ :P
will upload soon, okay, today nothing happened. went for running programme, thats all.
Ya, & .. English Sunshine programme - .
okay, short post. bye ! <:

This made me rah-ah ! :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hihihihihihi. :)
okay, i'm seriously bored. so maybe I'll post everyday. :)
today -
> Literature lesson brighten up my day! (PUI ARH ! ) >After Lit. English.
> I flunked my English & Literature Paper ! ): >I want to cry out man! But cannot. ):
> Dissapointed with my bloody hell marks. (I promise, I'll strive hard alright !!)
>Recess, go for running programme. Yay, I've got in first for the second round. My stamina so good ! hahahaha. :P >1N2 seems to run very fast today, 1st round I came in fourth,
2nd round i came in 1st, 3rd & 4th round Aleef first, Chengsin/Kopila first! :D
> Go back class, still sweating (eeeeew ! bo bian ><' ) left for History(Miss Yeo's :D )
>Oh gooody good, I played&joked with Huiling & Zhiyin, my laughing partners ! :D
>So funny that Miss Yeo's butt . hahaahah ! >okay, Maths - boring ~~ learnt about Algebraic Expressions. >CME - Ms Florence came in talked about lalalala marks thingy. > Assembly ( OH BORING ! ): ) >After school, makan, changed went for dance. >Ms Tina praised us today "Not bad, Not bad. " Haha ! >Ms Tang chosing the next Dance Commitee(wadever) alr.
> lalalala, & I'm back here ! March holidays going back for Dance training ): Saturday Danceworks! >Home, facebook, blog, okay, bye. :) !

Everything's just over the rain.
Monday, March 8, 2010

Blablablablabla. Hello peoples! :D
yayayayayayayayaya, i have the mood to post today.
cos that idiotic guy dont hate me actually. -.-
kansai. Its all Lexmond's fault! (okay, not partly his fault.)
then .. blablabla.
chatchatchatchatchat with Claudia & Huiling(justnow.) now left with Claudia );
cos Huiling say she gtg then blablabla.
me&somebody's name hor, on her post very special liddat.
Must highlight de. (: see how good is Huiling !
everybody must thank her for highlighting arh, (:
Huiling ! see I so good, feature you lei !
haha ! :P
okay alot of things happened in school today -
>Morning go school no mood, my classmates are great esp. girls. They gave me a warm hug! Thanks ! :) >P.E. played captains ball. Letmme all tell you man, WRPS' class of 6Hibiscus girls + boys can play better than Bendemeer Secondary class of 1N2 ! Omg -oo- >Kopila very good!
> She went to clarify with Jiajie that whether he hates me or not lah ~ >He say he didn't even tell anybody that he hate me. >Everything just over the rain. >Go up class >Change > Recess! :D > Go vending machine with Huiling ! :D >Saw some classmates. >Wanted to buy fuji apple @ first, but then no small change. ): bo bian. ): >Huiling kept pressing on Jiajie want to know who he like, Huiling so funny okay! > Jiajie very successfully got Huiling to point Jeremy as the husband . :P >While I keep saying to Jeremy that " You made Huiling pregnant arh!" haha! :P >then go Cafe area talktalk. (: saw my sisters! Was walking with Peiyong . >Managed to capture one sweet photo of Jeremy & Huiling sitting together ! :P >History >Run to class & then send Jiajie the photo. :P >Huiling so angry ! :P >Jeremy still like dont know liddat. -oo- >Ms Yeo didn't attend school today ! ): >Mr Lam assigned worksheet. :) >Do it myself quietly , see ! I so guai, (: >Bell rang > Lin lao shi came in, she changed her hairstyle! >I praise her hairstyle very nice. :D SKIP TO AFTER SCHOOL -
> Had lunch with classmates ~ >Sat beside Peiyong. >Talk crap with Jeremy -oo- >
> Go for Ace-Learning. > Huiling & Jeremy sit together ! :D wheeeps~ How sweet ! :) > Me & Jiajie seat @ the end. Dont want to be light bulb. :P > Jiajie smsed me something, omg, he had spelling error ! So funny okay his sms. :P >Replied. Haha ! So funny. :D >After ace-learning, slacked @ the canteen for awhile while waiting for Daddy to come fetch me. > Daddy called me. > Bid an goodbye to my beautiful classmates ! :) > Thats the end of the day, (:
Haha, alright, stop here. byebye ! :)

If you really hate me, dont bother to talk to me.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hellohello peoples.
I'm sad, i'm in a bad mood, i'm unhappy, my heart has totally shattered into small pieces.
All thanks to, Wu Jia jie. ya, all thanks to him.
he's so great, make my heart shattered .
want me also make a award for him? :)
I know he wants a award. " Best known as break girl's heart" award.
see how good a friend can be. :)
I've no mood to post.
come back @ night. bye peoples.
- / Back @ 9.19PM
alright, boredboredboredboredBORED!
i'm seriously bored okay !
currently, on msn with my funniest classmate @ 6Hibiscus - Luqman !
haha, he very funny lei. he say " Hello Raquel Kuah !! :D :D "
then I say " Hello Luqman ! " i ask him how is he.
he tell me " Ah? You talking to me arh ? "
crazy right ! :P haha.
alright, i'm tiny winney bit cheered up -
thanks to Christal!, Cheries!, Claudia!, Huiling! & last but not least,
Chinyi! :D
hehe, okayokay, i'm still bored peoples !
okay lah, stop here. bye.

You made me go crazy.
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lalaalalalalala, Hello peepos! :D
posted one photo up :)
its taken yesterday. During Dance . :D
outside practising, instructor inside, so.. got time to camwhore. :D
hohoho. :D How's my editing skills? Got deprove not!? omg.
haha. :D
okayokay .. I'm gonna officially black-list somebody liaow.
L.HUILING & CLAUDIA.P ! You two cheeky arse. Always say me hor !
Make sure you two see this post I've made specially for you two. :)
see, i so good, black white list your.
okay lah, joking de. How could I possibly black list you two neh? :)
hehe, :D
boredbored. I early in the morning wake up, use computer. xD
& then, go see Huiling's blog, blablabla. & then .. go facebook.
SocialInterview asked me : Do you have a crush on Jiajie?
I replied : No. :)
& then, i've got so many comments towards this question.
Go my facebook see lah. :) some of your know lah.
OIIIII. Peoples, i'm only 12 year old lei ! I dont want like a old boy okay ! :D
hehe, hope Huiling , Claudia others saw this ! :D
hehe, okay, i'll come back later lah.
/ Back on 4.50PM.-
Ya, Hi peoples. I'm back.
Onlined facebook for the whole morning. Then now still using. omgx.
So long le. gonna off & rest my computer, tonight then use again.
I heard from somebody say the somebody hate me.
EH, you think I dont hate you meh?
Go your bloody hell & think wad you've done. Arse -.-
You're lousier than my PRIMARY SCHOOL BOYS OKAY.
Asyraf, Afiq, Hazwan, Nico, Evan,Yewhwee,even Wenhong is better that YOU.
I hate you you you you you you you you you you you you you you YOU.
Go on lah, tell everyone you hate me. Hate me, please, dont bother yourself to talk to me.
You're just a heartless animal, by right, cold blooded means you.
understand? I'm not gonna tolerate your attitude alr.
Just bloody hell get lost from my life.
Can't explain my feelings for [him] .
you all dont understand me well.
ya, thats all I've to say. Bye.

I can feel the jealousy of yours.
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, hello hello! (:
its a fun&luckiest day for me today ! :D
hohoho, its freaking funny @ English class today ! omg.
& CL ofcourse.
alright, i'm gonna briefly brief through wad happened these two days.
Wednesday (3rd of March.)
> Having D&T common test got back my paper right after D&T lesson. 20.5/30 ! :D
> Chinese, me highest ! :D 47/50, hohoho. :D:D > Jiajie only got 22/50. but t'cher say got improve. haha :D > Ja-le-mui never attend school again. Fever. >Hot weather yesterday, indeed. > ending ! haha. xD
> Today, 4th of March .
> Morning, Literature common test, omgx, hard ! Molly & Bengbeng. haha !
> Art, not fun at all, cos painting. ): > after recess -
> mother toungue. Peiyong's seating beside me ! Somebody jealous, go & sit behind me.
> I seriously can feel his jealousy deep inside his heart ! OMGX.
> History, go in air-conditioned room, keep Huiling warm while she's cold. (:
> Crapped with Zhiyin , Huiling & Muimui. haha ! :D >after school, go makan with Huiting, Huiling & Yayu ( Peiyong's sister. (: ) > Saw Somebody ! :D ran up & look for them @ Level three. :D >then playplay, go home right after Kelvin finishes his work.
>Saw Somebody along the way home. then walk together with Huiting&Kelvin to bus stop/mrt station. > Bid goodbye. > Reached home, on facebook/msn. > Sweet talk with Huiling&Claudiaaaa♥♥♥ now ! :D
> tmr my turn to make a speech ! OMGX, wish me goodluck !
update some other time. (:
Byebye ! :D

One,two step to the left ! :D
Monday, March 1, 2010

alright, i'm super boring , so here to make a blogpost to free my boredom.
so, alot of things funny happened today, i'm back from MC !
haha, i had eye affection, alot of classmates concerned, thanks ! :)
When i go back in, my classmates all scream like dontknow wad.
Taksawat still say " Lady Gaga, where's your specs? " -.- very irritating de lah ~
then ... after jokes, all these, national anthem, then followed by pledge,
then school song, Bendemeerian code, then start Science Common Test.
quite hard lah, but still quite okay the questions. ((:
after common test.. I started my lesson with sawing my name on the screen.
know wad? (:
Mdm Tang made a slideshow about Algebra, so .. the problem sums,

" Raquel has 4bags blablabla ~ "
then some of them, " Raquel, Raquel ~ " lalala ~
& THEN, P.E. actually, i dont really like PE alot, cos Mr Tan will make us do
20 Pushups (boys type.) 20 situps. continuously. Wah, very tired ! ):
okay, but Mr Tan didn't came today, Mr Loh took over.
wahaahahaahahaha, x) whole class very happy. hoho. :D
everytime liddat de lah.
after that, > Field > Class > Change > Recess.
after recess, History, I love History! Cos go Comp Lab 4 while Mr Lam's class in hot air,
studying history. + , they say very boring.
Ms Yeo's lesson very fun ! :)
skip to after school lah ~
> Went to canteen > Makan > Go find out where Band Practising today >3rd floor Staffroom
> Saw Jiajie, Jeremy, Lenard, Kelvin & others. > Cos need to take Compo book from Lin lao shi. > Started quarrelling with Jiajie AGAIN.
> He took my wallet > throw > THEN I SAY HE LIKE CHINYI > He unhappy (aww, ): too bad, no use being unhappy, if he dont like her, just say " I dont like Chinyi hor. " liddat can liaow mah.) > okay, then go off, saw Chinyi. > then talktalk > Saw Soonmin & Jaclyn, play&play, very funny ! >Jaclyn pei wo take bus, thankyou ! :D
okay, I end my beautiful day with quarrellings with Jiajie & Soonmin, Jaclyn coin playing, Not forgetting my dearest Huiling daughter ! (:
OKAY , i veli nothing to say liaow, gonna go practise my dance steps, remember well,
orelse kenna kicked out from Dance Club. ( NO WAY ! ) (:
okay, bahhhhhhhhhhbye ! (:


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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March 2009
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take a bow
