I'm worried about you.
Friday, April 30, 2010

- / It all started @ 30thApril2010 13.37PM. & I'm yours.
Dear God/Buddha,
pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease dont let anything happen to him !
I'm willing to help him carry all his sins !
Omg, please , god , buddha, dont let anything bad happen to him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loveyoudear. *pray hards to god/buddha !*
Its Joey'Precious&Wenhong'bodoh's birthday yesterday!
Wish you to a Belated Happy Birthday :)

God, you're great. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Greetings earthlings.
okay, start of from photos !
three taken yesterday, one taken last wednesday @ class. ;)
cos no music ! Yay , & Ms Yeo allowed us to take photos in class !
thats why. ;)
How great is Ms Yeo !
But , after MYE, she's not gonna teach us anymore ! weh ! ):
I'm gonna learn Geography ... ): SIGH .
So.. Nizham created a beautiful song for ms yeo.
Heh. :D
& (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) , I've got my dance tee ! ^^;
I love it man. HOTPinkpinkpink ! :)
cute k. :D
The Streets' Addiction . (TSA ! )
K, so .. went for ConnectGroup today, I had fun. ;)
Playing games ! ^^;
& I LOVE HOGC, cannot deny. :)
okay, so .. OH! K, Jiayou kay my dearestttttttt C.Zhiyin !
alright, i also love others la, having swimming tmr, + Lit make-up class.
from 4PM all the way to 6.45PM ! ):
Sigh, nevermind.
MYE starting next week, MUST STUDY. I guaikia. :) [CRAP!?]
Oh, i love Larry Ong Hong Xuan 2 ! Cannot deny. :)
aiya, i love alot of people one. :)
K, stop here, bye ! ^^;

You flopped my mood.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I HATE IT WHEN I QUARREL WITH YOU (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
You just seriously flip my mood upside down when you sent me that sms.
Just frigg of from my life lah. -.-
Your appearance just make my life miserable. ): -
Had my student councilor interview today.
Hopefully I got selected.

Its a fresh monday.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo of the daaaaay. ;)
K, Hello peoples.
Its a fresh monday for me , quite alot of funneh things happened after school.
Hahahaha, so skipped to after school. :)
It was raining meows & woofs, so I opened my cutecute umbrella blue colour de ! ^^;
friggin chio k. :D
then me & zhiyin rush to macs. :)
Ros & Lisa were here with us2 ! :D
Claudia&Huiting went home , sad ! ):
so they didn't came to mac, so, mavis, huiling came & join as those affing boys went to Jiajie's house & finish up their project.
so .. we crap&crap, Ros & Lisa gottago, sad right ! ):
& then me , huiling & mavis crapping non-stop k. :D
After 1hour i think, Jeremy & Kelvin say they going off, we went off & find them.
Omg, its friggin funneh. Kel act the drama is like so funneh suddenly my phone rang,
Jiajie called. (HAHAHAHAHA ! ) cos his block is just infront of the fitness corner. ;)
He say, " Can dont so noisy. " He's spying us! From 10th Floor laaaaa. Dontknow from the kitchen. Hahaha. Friggin funneh man.
then I say, ah, k. Kup liaow.
then after 1 HOUR of joking & playing, suddenly we saw him playing basketball over there.
& then Huiling's baby gotta go . ): sad ! Jeremy, i miss you man! ): (OMG, JOKING LAAA.! As a son ofcourse yes. )
Playplay&play. then we go mac, come out, go back there with Kel, played True or Dare tgt with Jiajie, Huiling & Kel. + ME .
they're like .. friggin asking the same question k ! :@
Nehmind. I dont mind . then we play the ghost thing.
omg, the pen is like .. k, nehmind. dont wish to blog about it.
K, gotta chiong all my homeworks le. K. BYE ! :)

Happy Birthday Raquel Kuah. :D
Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm the birthday girl today ! :D
Hello peoples !
Oh, thank you all so much for the 54WISHES on my facebook wall!
I love you all. :D
& also not forgetting those text messages that you all sent. :D
I'll try to name out all tmr k ! :D
Lets sing a happy birthday song to Raquel Kuah, k? :D
Happy Birthday to you ,
Happy Birthday to you ,
Happy Birthday to Raquel Kuah,
Happy Birthday to YOU ! :D
&& also, thank you all for the beautiful/pretty/chio/cute/loving PRESENTS you all gave!
this is a new year for me, a new year for everyone! :D
I hope to have another happy BIRTHDAY next year again!
So you all better prepare a good wish for me again k! :D
I love you all peoples out there ! :D
thats the end of my birthday post. hehe.
Bye ! ^^;

I like you just the way you are.
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lost & found./ - But the feeling is still lost.
Thanks muchmuchmuchmuchmuch to DL5 !
I love you all k! (heart!)
I love the card you all gave! ;)
although I didn't really attend HeartOfGodChurch alot of times,
but once I met you all, we all became good friends! ;)
I really love the card! Its so cool! ^^;
Specially thanks to : Iris, Adriena, Huiqi&Huiyu, Monik, Jolene, Nicole, Danette, & alot! :D
Saw someone whom i didn't contact for long,
guess who?
Its Zhisheng! Wow ! :D Oh, thanks to Marcus for that small biscuit i love ! ;)
& Thanks god for the gift you gave too! I had a great service today @ HOGC. :D
Heh. alright~ so .. after HOGC, I pei Huiling tgt with Zhiyin, Kel & Jeremy to
Kallang CC for her Taekwando test. :D
there's this smallsmallsmall guy named 'Moon' he's friggin funneh k!
He called me a ghost , He told Coach Robin to throw Zhiyin away,
& he's friggin cute! But I HATE HIM. Hahah.
ah, k, I'm exhausted, want to sleep le.
heh, still wna thank - DL5 + HOGC && DL51 ! :D
Bye ~

Life has up & downs.
Friday, April 23, 2010

- / I need you, but I dont think you need me.
Track & Field meets today, participated in Fun Run.
Won a Silver medal for myself.
/ - Thanks for all the concern you gave. Dont cut yourself. I dont wish you to cut.
Love. Takecare .

I love you guys !
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Greeeeeeeeeetings people !
I had fun today kay !
Larry's so generous. Oh, Larry Ong Hong Xuan, you're the best.
I love you ! You're the best cutecutecuteeeeeee brother ever ! ^^v.
Larry's so cute today & guess what? He's the first guy that gave me birthday present !
I'm gonna feature him. ;)
During maths lesson, he asked me , " What's your fav. colour? Red ? or Purple? Chose one."
I say , " erm.. Purple. " he told me , "okay. " My mind was thinking that maybe he'd get something purplish for me & pass it to me on monday. But NO!
after class dismissed, he bent down to his bag, to my surprise,
he gave me that innocent look &took out the present he was giving me and say, " Happy Advanced Birthday Raquel. "
Ohmygod, i'm like , so cuteeeeeeee! then he gave me a red one, he told me to pass it to Claudia.
She was very happy2, I bet. :D
Oh, Larry, you're the best! ;) Zhiyin & others will all pass it to me on monday.
But Larry's the first, ;) so .. haha! xD
lalalalala, I had a fun day today. Hahahahahaha, swimming today again today.
on the way back to school, @ bus, Venothan sat with Jiajie which is right behind me.
& then, my clever sistaaahs, Zhiyin, Huiling & Claudia, they three, *teach* Venothan chinese lei!
they teach Venothan shiiiiiiiiiits & its like so Wtf!
after playing, Venothan add one last sentence , he's so cute man ! I'm in love with Venothan too!
He said the whole thing in chinese, " JIAJIE ! JIAYOU TO RAQUEL ! "
the whole class go " ooooooooooooooh, " We both pretended not hearing (but we heard it.)
Ohmygod, its frigggggggin blushing k . ah , nevermind, playplay de. x)
k. heh. so .. tmr running for Fun Run, its gonna be oh-so-shitty.
Ah, k. nevermind.
gottago. &&&, one last thing,
(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) I love you all. ;)

My birthday present must be you dude.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

-/ Huiling today ! ^^v.
K, I'm rushing off to sleep soon as tmr is the
Jiay0u for me ! ^^v.
C'mon Raquel ! Work hard! You can do it !
K, i'm required to do a write-up on the topic of "Why am I a potential Student Councilor."
must write until like very hao lian k.
& must pass up @ 7AM . so .. gonna sleep soon you see. );
obviously , this is to test your PUNCTUALITY. ;)
so .. Jiay0u ! ^^v.
Also to : Zhiyin, Monik & Lenard ! :D
K, I have fun today! 2MORE DAYS TO B'DAY BASH!
I luv die 1N2 !
Bye ! ^^v.

I also love you .
Monday, April 19, 2010

Starting everything of with Photos !
taken today outside school. ;)
oh, its friggin fun ! Pervs, siaosiaos, dont ever stare @ Claudia's SEXY butt. (its hard altho. ;) )
cos she's losing her balance, thats why her butt suddenly come out. HAAHAHAH ! xD
Its friggin fun k. ;) & .. Huiling also requested me to blog today.
So .. Yeah, here am I ! :) lalalaalalala~
so .. its a fine day for me today as .. last friday happy stuffs happened! ^^v.
&I'm in a quite good mood today, & we both are shyshy to talk at first. *grins!*
But recess time we two crap alot lah. ;)
lessons are boring. I still owe tht Linlaoshi 2more compos which I'm doing it LATER.
lalalalalala ~ & .. after school.. stayed back & do my bloody competition project. );
but it was fun as my sistaaahs are staying back too! ^^v.
after project, went out of the school to the fitness corner there & play.
FUN man! Enjoy the photos up there. ;)
hehe. Btw, 1N2/My cliques are celebrating advance birthday for me @ school together with Claudia's actual birthday! YAY ! ^^v.
Oh, i love die you all ! ;)
Lalaalala, +, today tht LKK huh.. make me,huiling&claudia scared until like siaow. ><'
hehe! suddenly Huiting(L), Celine,Lifen all of them come, then Huiting kept,
"Raquel , Raquel , Raquel , Raquel x100000~" whatever xD then I was like ,
"HI!" I just placed my hands over the chest. OMG ! Luckily she carried her bag infront. xD
orelse .. hahaha ! So funny k ! xD
hehe. k, gottago.
byebye ! ^^v.
Yah, you all dare to make me kiss him on thursday ? VELI HARD ! ^^v.

My love is free.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

{ / - Even the world is coming to an end, I'll still love you. -
Grrrrrrrrreeeethings ! ;)
Lalalaalalalala. What a boring Sunday ! );
Sadsadsad. Its frigggggggin really boring k.
Gonna head out for dinna later on. ;)
ok, Audreymeimei bought me a new ear-piece ! I luv it. thanks ! ^^v.
k. Gotta go.
AHHHHHHHHH, I still owe Linlaoshi bloody shit full of homeworks! ):
I dw go DC. );
k! bye. ;)
[Back @ 11.43PM.]
Came back just b'cos of boredom. :\
k, so .. went out for dinna just now.
It was a pleasant dinna at first, but just b'cos of this faggot Auntie. -.-
she suck man. Her customer service so laoya kan? Affyou.
my mood was totally destroyed by her.
MY FATHER, spent a total of $55.95 . He gave his POSB card.
the auntie's like .. keep touching the screen & like dont know how to do liddat.
then end up my father need to pay everything in CASH.
I still remember that faggot auntie's name . " JULIE LIM. "
What a disgrace that your name is the same as my mother's name. -.-
I'm not saying you or what. But please, go & train yourself to have a good customer service.
& when i'm leaving , I said, " I hate this kind of customer service. "
I think that faggot auntie heard it. ah, dont care. I was on my earpiece.
Alright, I've nothing much to say alr.
BYE. ;)

I like you just the way you are.
Saturday, April 17, 2010

- Predict whether the wall should be in the middle or not.

Hello Groovers! :D
okay, went out to CSM with Claudia,Zhiyin&Huiting . :)
Huiling&Claudia bullying me currently in msn. k.
Chatting with LuvCoupleJingyi. :)
k! Lazy to update. Update some other time! :)
Bye Groovers! :D
[Back @ 11.44PM]
Came back just to wish my prettiest, funniest, cutest, siaowsiaow-est WIFEY
Stay sweet & Laugh MOREMORE until your stomach go burst kay! ^^v.
Loveyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :D
K. bye ! :)

A happy & sad day.
Friday, April 16, 2010

- } Photo taken yesterday during swimming, <:
Hello peoples ! ^^v.
lalalalalalalalalala ~
today .. was suppose to be my SAD day.
As .. the pain very deep . thn .. wna go back to P5 life.
do some foolish stuffs. I know its lame. (-.-)
But all my cliques. Sisters, they saved me from all this. & .....
Alot of things happened this afternoon.(Ask CLAUDIA.P & L.HUILING) all I can say to him is,
You're the best crush.
Alright, Cha~ peoples. really want to know wad happen, ask Claudia/Huiling/Cheries. xD

The title of my life.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

- Move with the groooooooooooooooooooooooooooove ! :D
Greetings earthlings ! ^^v.
alright, another tiring day. ):
Slack @ school from 1.45PM all the way to 6.30PM .
go library until 5plus, I'm using my phone & walking ...
*walking, walking ...
suddenly ...
"Chairman! " Mysterious.
I look up .........
wah .. I veli shock lei.
then I faster run to Ros there. xD they having Tchoukball training, (:
yoohooooooooo~ Fun lei tchoukball! I'm joining after my mid-year exam as my second CCA. x)
@ Canteen with my dearest daughter, ClaudiaP. (:
I scold Claudia today until she cry. Okay, sorry Claudia. We promise to strive hard right? (:
so work hard huh! <:
the other girl I'm gonna scold is ... *Dont want to say here. *
ah. suan le. alright, sian lei ...
alright, i'm off smsing with my friends le.
also nothing to blog about. Sigh ~
kay, bye ! <;
I believe I can.

You'll feel the melody moving with you when you dance!
Monday, April 12, 2010

- / Once you wear those dancing shoes on, you'll immediately dance !
Hello peoples ! ^^v.
A sweet/fine/happy/lovely/cheerful MONDAY today! :D
I finally got my daughter to kiss my son-in-law.
How great this mother could be ! :D
Hehe . xD
its like so sweet & everybody was like " SO SWEEEEET! "
right? <: hohoho. xD
lalalalalalalaalalalalalalala. ~
so , with Huiling, Claudia, Peiyong, Kelvin, Lakeisha & Senior Joshua
waited for Band to end.
Ohmy, i had a fun time @ the library today! :D
cos Joshua told me alot of funny things all these & I enjoyed being a listener. <;
so , after Band ended. I scream out for Jeremy's name like dont know wad !
Afff you ! :P
okay, saw him, got the both held hands, lalalalalalalaalalalalalala & ..
walk . heheh xD
stop @ one side, Jiajie say must ask 'her' to kiss 'him'.
but there are conditions. (-oo-) !
know wad are the conditions?
DONT want tell you. :P go find out from those who were there, <;
I also very shock lah. Zzzzzz. okay. nevermind.
ohhahahahaahaha, something funny today. Hold hands with abang @ Lit. haha! something funny happen but then luckily wasn't talking about us. xD
hehehe. xD alright.
I veh tired le. There's Dance Practise tmr , upcoming saturday performance.
alright, bye ! <;

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Raquel & Zhiyin. :)

- / Perfect Heartshapes are meant for perfect couples like Huiling & Jeremy! <:
okay, First photo , me&zhiyin after Church Service. :)
2nd one, Description above. :)
3rd photo - How sweet Huiling is ! :D
okay, actually nothing to post also.
Nothing special happened. ):
"Till now, Scientist still haven't found out a way to cure boredom ! If it continues, Boredom will continue killing people. ): "
Written by, : The dancer- Raquel Kuah. (hahaha ! xD)
okay, I'm off City Plaza for dinnaaaaaaaaaaarh.
byebye sweeethearts !
Yours Sincerely ,
The dancer - Raquel. ;)

They rawk.
Friday, April 9, 2010

Yesterday only hands right? today FULL ONE. :D
Greetings !
want see the original one not? (:
& ...

I know its very sweet right! ^^v.
Me & Jiajie standing beside each other & manage to snap it. :D
hohoho. xD speaking of Jiajie, A big thank you to you for lending your bag to me for smsing even though I'm sitting right @ the back of the class & you're right @ the front . :D
okay, so.. today, fun, exciting. :D
COS Huiling & Jeremy finally held hands automatically! :D :D :D
I this Mother sibeh happy. :D
Huiling & Jeremy, i luv die you two ! :D Daughter&Son-in-law, this time dont break easily le arh, must love each other deepdeepdeepdeepdeep. :D
hohoho. xD
okay, so ... Sunshine today, 2 !!!!
kay, so went practise my dance moves cos i'm going to Overseas Family School to see alot of angmorhs! ^^V ! :D
hehe, alright, my main post today is for HUILING & JEREMY. :D
ahah, okay. I'm exhausted alr .
Off for service tmr @ HeartOfGodChurch. <:
&&&&&, Thanks to KelvinTanJooWai my fav. dad & joker ! :D
BYE ! :D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

(How sweet of them. <: Ignore the leg peoples!)
Arlohz! <:
the photo very sweet right? (:
I help de lei!
Yesterday's problem solved. :D
had my Sports Heats today. Fun ! :D
but, Huiling&Zhiyin can't join us! ):
sigh, too bad ! D:
so, after they left, left me, jiajie, jeremy, kelvin, lexmond, claudia, mavis, ros, soonmin, simin, sani, abang, lisa,venothan, ganesh&etc. forget le.
went to bought drinks before leaving for the stadium which is next to the swimming pool only~
hehe, fun lo.
SKIP~ step into the stadium,
wah, walk until the end there. tired. Somemore my bag so HEAVY.
then put my bag down, the girl started calling, " Calling for 100metre C girls ~" then i haven't makan or wad hor, hair still wet need faster tie & run down.
then go line up, I'm @ Heats 3. :D
I chiong arh ~~~~~~~~~~~ Haha, fun lo!
then panting all the way. Manage to get the fourth . :D
Walk go back to the end there. With Claudia & others.
its like so funny that Jiajie told me that he dont know who to cheer for .(Claudia&Lisa.)
then he made a funny cheer . its super funny.
something happened in between lah, dont wish to say. :P
alright, i'm exhausted. ):
tmr having Dance. alright, bye ! ^^v.
I rejected his request. :D

Fucked up.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stay young & sweet. Luv.


Passionate .
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Arlohz people ! :D
alright, I've helped Huiling&Jeremy patch alr you see. :D
& .....
They held hand in class today 3 times all thanks to me ! Raquel . :D
hahaahh, they veh happy lei! ^^v.
first time, at Art lesson, 2nd time, @ waiting for Ms Florence to come, I ask them hold to then they drop, (Aiya!) haha, nevermind, i never give up.
I tried one more time, let natural takes course. <:
third time really very zhun arh! they hold, "NEVER DROP."
They're like naturally couples holding hand. :D
how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! ^^b very sweetsweetsweet okay. seriously.
&Jeremy is freaking happy like dont know what. xD
Hohohohohohohohoho. thanks to me ! So good right ! *self praise. :D *
hehe, okay, some funny things I didn't post yesterday, cos I too happy about the Councilor le. -.-
okay, so yesterday....
After school yesterday, chit-chatted with Huiling, Claudia,Zhiyin &sistaahs.
so fun okay ! haha. then go kajiao the boys, funfun. xD
bickering away with the stupid WuJiajie. He send sms me & huiling say - "Noob, loser."
me&Huiling freaking angry, go chase after him from canteen to second floor.
pro right ! :P hehehe. xD
then all of us were panting like dont know wad, go back canteen, Huiling pangseh me! ):
left me& him quarrelling. I shouted across the canteen . then he also , haha, very funny de lah the conver.
Jeremy emo. -.-(!)
okay, haha. fun lah overall yesterday. :D
Cried today @ dance. Cos I did A SUPER BAD JOB. ):
SADSAD! I promise i'll work hard for the performance okay dears ! ^^v.
School's fine for me, ILUVDIE1N2 ! :D

You rawk, I rawk!
Monday, April 5, 2010

Arlohz ! :D
Photos above taken today! the last 2 photos taken on Burger Challenge. xD
I still have alot lah actually. But I faved those, thats why i edited & posted it up. <:
so, school's fine today, I'm SUPER SHOCK OF THIS GREAT NEWS. :D
Well, Ms Florence's gonna change chairperson/vice-chairperson soon. ):
cos ...
I'm nominated as a Student Councilor ! :D:D:D:D !
Ohyay! I super happy arh! cos its my first in life time becoming a Student Councilor ! <:
hohoho. xD Thanks to 1N2 especially, for Cheering & Applausing for me when MsFlorence announced that i'm nominated for Student Councilor <:
not forgetting my sistaaaaaaaaahs ! <: okay, luvluvluv okay!
alright, hehe, I had fun with Huiling, Claudia, Huting(T), Zhiyin, Lisa&Lakeisha today! ^^v.
lalalala, too happy. :D
alright, hope i'll pass the interview !
BYE ! ^^v.

Rawk you!
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ohyay, Zhiyin's my best sistaaaaaaah! :D
Okay, not forgetting otherrrrrrrrrrrs !
its Easters today! & I'm going to HeartOfGodChurch.
PS, i'm still a buddist. who says that a buddist cant go church huh?
& I'm going there to have fun! ^'^
I'll take alot of photos okay! <;
currently chatting with deardear Chinyi! <:
we gossiping arh.. Hahah! :D
meeting my dearest Daddy KELVINTANJW @ 1100 & my dearest sistaaaah AREEYALISAT @ 1130 xD
meeting my sweetest daughter , Huiling @ 11.45. :D
okay! bye. :D seeyahalltonight. <:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

- .
So far, so GOOD ! *thumbs up* :D
Peeparhs ! Hohohoho, today went for Swimming lesson, fun okay! <:
Huiling & Huiting didn't join us, sad ! ):
I'm the freaking hard 'Advanced Class.' how good ! ):
Camwhored alot with CheanZhiyin! My today's funny/sweet/cute/lovely sistaaah! :D
then others is with my other sistaaaaaahs. :D
I still have alot of photos lah, maybe next time then post, cos i lazy. x.x
hehe, alright, I lazy to post le.
Bye !
Arghhh! I'm really jealousssssssssssssssssssssss ! *Pfft.*


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

August 2008
March 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
June 2012
February 2013
October 2013

take a bow
