That boy is a monster.
Friday, May 28, 2010

I really need suicide.
It's the only way out.
Read on & you'll all know i've changed.
I hate Liars, Betrayers & HYPOCRITES.
I used to mix around w crowd. But now I don't.
I've entered the life of Loners & I've chose the path to live as a loner.
I have a life that has been screwed by myself.
& Yes, I hate myself. I only like my sisters.
I hate people who betrays me. Especially close ones.
You can chose to hate me, but i dont care. cos me myself hate myself, too.
I used to be a cheerful chap, but now I've changed.
I can get tempered easily.
I slash, I kill, I do crazy stuffs that you can't stand.
I started having emotional problems nowadays.
I rarely smile, laugh , joke w my friends.
Thats the acutal Raquel should be.
; two major things made me broke down today.
; i've totally given up for myself.
; i'm gonna start on my holidays homework soon.
; i'm abandoning everything aside.
; i'm focusing on school work&student councilor.
; i hate my mother.
Seeyah all later on. I'll try to update blog later on. Bye.

Drunk till the morning.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello peoples. :)
its a .. bright WEDNESDAY today~
I went Science Centre today! ^^v.
super fun kkkk, xD
k la, today whole day, I went to explore, all these hor.
One whole day w Jiajie, Huiling, Larry, Hongxin.
Lexmond, Peiyong others later then catch up de. :)
fun la k. :D
cos know why? Jiajie keep making me&huiling laugh. Zzzz.
Kopila, you did a supreme JOB. erherm.
k . after science centre, off to mac, take away & off to Kel's house! :)
play&joke thr, then .. off to Circuit road, buy drinks.
Peiyong&Lex shared the Jolly shandy & guess what?
LEX GOT DRUNKED ! Omg, super funny man. Will upload the video k! <:
he reallyreallyreally gone drunk huh. Super funny, me, huiling, zhiyin, peiyong laugh non-stop.
&&&&! I had Astronaut Ice-cream! Quite yummy! :)
I made an promise w others tomorrow. (:
okay, June Holidays! \m/
you all finally arrive & came to me!
I'll hao hao love you all de. :)
k, lets end my post w my latest photo of mine.

I enjoy this cool sunday!
Sunday, May 23, 2010

I enjoy my cool sunday today! (:
morning woke up, had my breakfasttttttttt.
then my sister watching Passion Of Christ. :)
she cry leh! k, i also got cry when I watch. );
Lalalalala. then my sister let me use comp aft she finished her show.
chit-chat w Claudia, then have to restart my comp. Zzz!
FB PROBLEM laaaaaaa !
K, then online again all the way until now.
Veh. sian k !!!!!!!!
chit-chatted w Rongquan @ msn. Ask about Band. haha~
then .. until now, sian until want to sleep le.
really gonna go have my nap.
My fingers starting to have lesser strength..
\m/ I (L) you laaaaaaaaaaaaa Bowling tomorrow!(:
bye ! (:

One lie cause thousands of misunderstandings.
Saturday, May 22, 2010

currently, using one hand to type only. cos smth happen to my hand.
injured/. zzz.
omg, redrain rawk man. :)
Oh yay, i can type w two hands le. Feeling better. but still pain. ZZZ!
i know DL5 enjoyed RedRain muchmuchmuch! Its friggin COOL k. :D
& i won myself a brand new album of RedRain ! :D SEE HOW COOL MAN. :D
& thank you all who cheered me up when you all see me. :)
& , Larry Ong, you rock too man brother. :)
Had fun w Huiling&Zhiyin + Adri & others. I saw WEIZE !
omg, that cute usher. xD heh! He very cute man. really. xD
k, short post today.
my fingers hurts like hell now. & i cant type for long.
bye !

Friday, May 21, 2010

-What are Friends for?
I think, I fail in everything.
Yes, i fail in EVERYTHING.
I thought I'd have new, nice, friendly friends in Secondary school.
But NO. The answer is a bigbigbig NO.
Yes, i have friendly friends. They are all new to me.
but, just because of my crazy, stupid, fucking attitude, they all turn out to hate me.
I often hurt them with my hurtful words. They're hurt.
& END UP, I'm actually hurting myself in the end.
I dont understand them.
starting from Monday onwards, I shall leave them.
Not getting close to them, no more talking with them, no more joking with them&,
no more recess or anything with them.
I'm not even FIT to be their friend.
What i really want to say is, I rather hear truth than LIES.
I dont wna reveal your name here, but i seriously cannot stand it anymore.
I really hate WJJ. Freak you hypocrite. -'-
Dear Girlfees,
For these 5months & 21days. You all have been great pals to me.
however, I've hurt you all.
I'm sorry . You all have been giving me advice when I'm low, thinking of other rubbishes.
Thank you all.
But sorry, i dont think I can be your friend anymore.
No point of me being your friend.
I'm not fit . Really.
Takecare girls. ;
K. Dance today, 20rounds, 10pushups(dont think lightly of this.)
wore last year's SYF Sauna suit . Its super hot.
For the phototaking. Some didn't .. But I did. I needa wash it.
Will upload soon.

Listen to my stupid rants.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

- Long time no post. (i think.)
K, i have nothing to post actually.
all i could say is,
I'm awaiting for ...
I enjoy having friends like Zhiyin , Huiling, Claudia.
I enjoy having close buddies like Mavis, Ros, Huiting, Monik, Leehui.
End my nightmare with a small initiative of yours.

- When I close my eyes, i see me&you .
Sunday, May 16, 2010

I used to smile as bright as the sun, laugh as siaow as a mental people.
But now my smile transform into a sad face. ):
BUT ! I'm back to my normal self alr.
I really feel muchmuchmuch better after so manymanymany people cheered me up.
Thank you all so much yea.
hopefully my mood will go back to 100% hyper, funny & crazy.
now .. its only 40%. But i know it'll go back to normal.
Hopefully no more sudden things will happen. ):
I'm really afraid there is.
okay, byebye.
*smile. :)

Thank you .

everything's just too sudden.
A big Thank you to you all who cheered me up,
post cheerup messages on my facebook wall, telling me on msn,
telling me on your blogs, Huiling, Claudia. Zhiyin keep telling me to kai xin yi dian.
cheer me up always with her jokes. Thank you all very much. Really , very much.
I felt better. ):
But what I can tell you all is, I 'WILL TRY TO' cheer up.
my daily routine is cry & cry & cry & cry.
&, Kill myself until death arrives. I wonder, when my death anniversary will be?
sigh.. just wait for death to arrive okay.
Bye people.

The ♥ Story has ended.
Saturday, May 15, 2010

The story started on 30th of April , 2010.
& It ended on 15th of May , 2010.
you walked with me through the road for these 2 weeks.
You're great, seriously great.
I've never regretted being your girlf, I've never regretted accepting you.
You've been caring, sweet, funny. Never ending lame jokes from you.
I know you're sad & stress. Same goes to me.
I know you dont want this ending, but no choice.
we both have to leave each other one day.
I cant bring myself to tell you what I want to tell.
So I passed it to Claudia&Huiling to tell you.
I dont wish this to happen too.
Bye readers.

♥ I realise how important you are to me.
Friday, May 14, 2010

- When I close my eyes, I saw you.
Warm Greeting to earthlings ! :)
guess what? its my last paper today! ART ! GREAT. :D *Thumbs upupupupupup!*
I hope i'll pass a few of my subjects !!!!! Cos .. heard from my teachers say quite alot of people done badly for some subjects. Even MOTHER TONGUE !!!!
I'm oh-so-gonna fail my MT. sadsadsadsadsadsadsad ):
History, I PASS ! See, got study , then will pass la ! Guaikia hor me. :P ! (Oh lame. haha!)
super alot of things happened today, Zeah(Zhiyin) made me laugh like mad today!
Mona Lisa + Pauhpauh + Magnolia(Huiling) made me laugh like mad too. They four rocks kkkkkkkkk. :D Lets insert red hearts for them ! :D (♥♥♥♥♥)
They always bright my day up with their superduper funneh actions, lame jokes & LAUGHTERS! hahahaahah. ;)
always () them to the max! I'll not forget my WRPS mates laaaa. () them too. :)
went for DL5 CG today. Funfunfun. :)
Tomorrow Service. :)
Quarrelled with syg today. ): but everything fine after never ending sorries !

The title of my life.
Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm here to update,
lalalalala. K, stay tune to my Twitter&Plurk updates k.
bye, (:
My boyfriend & girlfriends ! :D

You kept all your promises in a bottle & gave it to me.
Monday, May 10, 2010

Thats what she think of people having in relationships ! :)
She really do make sense sometimes. :D

Happy Mothers' Day.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day Mummy ! :D
You're the best mother in the earth !
Since young, you've taking care of me when I'm sick,
giving me lots of love&care.
I talked back to you oftenly, but you never fail to give me what I want when I need.
I share with you my jokes, you share with me your jokes.
You're the best mother in the earthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Cant deny ! :D
I love you mummy !
K, tons of photos taken today, will get some from Huiqi to post it soon k. :D
Its Mother Tongue paper tomorrow, !
&&&&&&, Yewhwee's dropping down to Bendemeer meet me. :D
K, chiong for last five minutes to 12.00AM.
[Back @ 11.55PM.]
Just wna say ,
came to a new school, a secondary school,
have to face all kinds of challenge.
Bye ! :)

(Y) .
Saturday, May 8, 2010

I used to PowerRanger when I was small!
Seriously, I realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Power Ranger Wild Force. :D
They rock like dont know what man ! :D
But that was when I was small.
But I still them ! Best childhood memories I ever had with the presence of Power Rangers !
I still love them till now though, i still watch, sometimes when I feel like i'm CHILDISH. :P !
& also, the same when I was young, i love Winx Club.
Omg, which girls when small dont love them!? Haha !
its like they're so cool lo ! So .. magical. :D
You all realise i watch cartoons that are unrealistic.
True, i love those unrealistic cartoon shows. :D
I also love Sesame Streets! :D Big Bird, Elmo, Cookie Monster, (Y) !
Haha, this post is fulled with my childhood fav. shows. :D
Kkkkkk, I'm getting darker & darker already. Went swimming again today & saw my coach, AGAIN.
plus, webcammed with Cheries just now, she SEDUCE me with that wink of hers k ! :P
Mos Burger with Iris, Adriena, Zhiyin, Jolene, Huiqi, Jordan ! :)
K, Yewhwee's making a special trip down to Bendemeer just to meet me & my new friends ! :D
WOW !!!! :D I miss this brother ttm kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. :D
&&&&, Huiqi's coming to meet me on tuesday as well ! :D
Yewhwee's coming down on monday. :D
AH, k. crapped too much.
Bye. !

Okay , opened.
Friday, May 7, 2010

K, enlarge if you want. :)
Awesome, I've opened up my blog .
cos I DBT about NOT BLOGGING about cool stuffs that happened this few days !
K, its super funny okay.
Thursday, 6th May 2010.
Its maths paper yesterday, & you see, its kinda tough but overall .. I know some. :)
so after maths paper, went to Mac. (again!!!!!!!!!) & had breakfast there.
Huiting&Claudia joined us too ! :)
then all chatchatchatchatchatchat. :) its friggin funny the conver.
Suddenly my phone rung. My mummy called me.
ask me whether got house key blablabla all these.
k, there were.. Claudia, Huiling, Zhiyin, Huiting, Peiyong, Jeremy, Kelvin& ... Boyf. :)
then I was like .. announcing to them say, *Take a deep breathe. then shocking look @ HL.*
she ask what happened. I say, " Omg, my mother coming. " everybody was like " OMG !"
then mama came, everybody outside, waiting for them, Claudia say like VIP man ! xD
JJ wanted to go back into Mac, Peiyong stopped him !
I told mummy, "Mummy, i show you my boyf. " she say, "which one? " then the girls pointed out to boyf. suddenly he run towards me, "Hello Auntie !! :D " with that big grin. Zzzz.
All the girls laugh like mad man.
mama has to rush for work , then she went off. (:
then crapcrapcrap with all my mates, then all of us go home le. :D
Today .
K la, quite okay. :)
told boyf everything about how's the first impression, he very cute man ! *In the manner of funny.
he laugh man ! I told him, " eh, my mummy say she like you alot. " he say , " okay la, why dont I marry her? " *Grins again.*
me&zhiyin laugh like mad kkkkkkkkkk. :D
he very funny leh ! :D
always make us laugh . :D Oh, the best of the best. :D
haha , kay. monday .. MOTHER TOUNGUE paper. ):
sigh .. I scared I fail leh ! ): that time I got 67/100 for class test leh !
ah, kay, swimming tomorrow again ! Yay ! :D
K, byebye people. :)
Stay tune. :)

I like you just the way you are.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I still miss the times with my other two funneh CCs ! ):
K, nothing special today,
ExamExamExamExamExam until next week friday. );
sigh . k, sort things out with boyf. He's friggin sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet K ! :D
Loveyoulots man. xD
k, my sisters are great buddies to me . :D
Claudia, Huiling, Zhiyin. :) you three are the best joke stars ! :)
K, end here. tmr SCIENCE PAPER.
CCR ; I still miss those memories. ):

300410 - /
Monday, May 3, 2010

this date.
Greetings peoples,
I'm going out soon with my baby-s ! :)
heh. K, seeyah all tonight ;)
[@7.01PM ! ]
Greetings people ! :)
k, so I was out studying with my boyf, huiling,zhiyin,claudia& jeremy. :)
Kel went off cos he needs to go out. );
fun k :D
Huiling smsed boyf to ask him come down.
when he arrive, settle down then they all talk about OKTO shows.
wah, very funny. then they play statue. I was thinking of something & studying.
so didn't join in the fun but got play a lil. :)
then suddenly my phone rang when i was listening to songs.
Its my father. I nearly burst all my tears out when I hang up the call.
aiya, i'm just too emotional. ):
Huiling saw it, asked me what happened, i said nothing, cos i'm just too emotional.
then suddenly my phone rang again . (-.-!!) Its message alert.
Guess who is it? (:
Its BOYF ! :D He eventually sms me even though he's just beside me !
He asked me 'what happen. ' I'm like.. okay la, happy to recieve it cos atleast he care.
okay, skip to fitness corner. :)
So went to the fitness corner there.
Boyf went home to put his bag . ah, whatever.
then come down again @ around 5+ .
crap with him. play 'Odd 1 Out. '
Boyf's eventually picking on me kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :@
But he entertained us. With his superduperultra lame jokes. :D
I dont know why I have such a cute boyf ! :D
then after awhile we all send him to his house lift cos of somethings .
all of us leh ! good right . ;)
then bid-goodbye, all of us go off. :)
& I end my day just liddat. :D
Ah, k, its ENGLISH PAPER TMR. Wish me luck people, Bye ! :)
With one text message of 'what happen' ,
it already warm my heart.
I love my cutecutecutecutecute superduper cute boyf .

Sunday, May 2, 2010

- I have no mood to post, seriously.
But , Claudia , Huiling & Felicia changed my mood ! ^^;
Not forgetting Zhiyin kay! :D
all my unsecureness gone. :D
at first, I'm in a low mood, seriously . NOT IN A GOOD MOOD.
I feel like dying. My good friends talked to me & I'm back to my normal self !
i'm just being over sensitive laaaa.
K, went studying with Zhiyin today @ CSM mac.
tmr might out for studying too. Studied History + some maths.
we joke & crap alot k. :D But we got study hor !
So .. text boyf to ask somethings. Got a urge to break up, but in the end no. :)
Alot of your want me&him last long right.. will last super long laaa k. :D
Cos he knows that I love him ! & Thanks to Huiling for those cheerup messages ,
& also Zhiyin, Claudia & Felicia ! :D Oh, Felicia you're awesome. Thanks :D
alright , might go out to study tmr also laaa k.
K, bye ! ^^;
- you seem to care more about me than your mother.
[Back @ 11.52PM.]
8More mins to 12.00AM it'd be tmr alr !
k, chopchopchop .
Can anybody tell me whats the meaning of 'Love Is Blind' !?
I really want to know ! Dear, you gave me this stupid reason that I dont really get what you meant !
Sigh, k. Byebye peoples seeyaaaaaah all tmr <:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Greetings earthlings.
>Went for swimming just now. :) >With boyf, huiling, zhiyin, ros, jeremy,kel. (sorry claudia! we go tgt after MYE? (: >Play&play. Clarified some things. Everything's just over the rain.
>Saw Chinyi'luvcpl ontheway to swimming pool! > Crapping away with her when onthebus. xD >after swimming, change & go off. >alot of things happen laaa.
>boyf pei wo walkwalk when going to mac. Ty laaaaaaaaaa k.
> slack with Huiling, Jeremy & Kel. cos Ros went off first & Zhiyin have something on. ):
> Went to Mac, sat down, good la, Huiling,Jeremy&Kel move one side.
>I sit with boyf with my earpiece on. He asked me what happened. BLEH!
>I say nothing ah. xD I know you're concern about me, I'm fine k.
I love you too.
Bye !


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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take a bow
