The Olympus Pen! :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010

I went to Xiaxue's Olympus event today!
She's super pretty! Seriously okay!
she introduced me the new Olympus the Pen DSLR!
She even took photos of me&zhiyin. Hehe. ^^.
few photos were taken. [shown above.]
& She took w her other readers!
Inshufina & Dylan. :)

Nice yea!
You can get the link,
Her video is funny & nice! Must vote okay ! MUST VOTE MUST VOTE!
You can stand a chance to win a cam! [I think so!] :D
Something that made me quite happy!
I've been in a curiousity that what Xiaxue's phone exactly look like!
& I'VE SEEN IT!!!!!! REAL LIFE !!!!
Her phone, wha, SUPER BLRING AH !
Very nice ! I like it alottttttttttttttttt. :D
ALRIGHT, here's the newwww Olympus Pen Ep-1 !

I know Claudia's drooooling now.
Its quite a smaller DSLR ! & It has cool functions!
Pop-art, Pin-hole, Grainy film, Pale & Light colour & Soft focus!
Xiaxue helped me & Zhiyin took w all this effects!
& I love it alot!
If you've been reading Xiaxue's blog, you'll see those effects nicely presented on her blog!
& I love soft-focus alot. ^^.
Grainy film really seems that you're in a ghost movie, but the product of the
photo @ last its super nice& You can somesort like ' EMO ' ! For those who love to !
Soft Focus is making you in the photos look very gentle-ish, dreamy that kind!
Make you look chio-er ! :D
Pale & Light colour makes the whole picture go ...
hmm, something like dreamy also, but Soft Focus is more of DREAMY-ER~ :)
Pop-art! Its quite ... hmm, make the photo more of in real colours!
darker abit, but I still prefer SOFT FOCUS. ^^.
Pin-hole !
Its when you take a photo, it'll appear a black frame in the photo!
quite nice too, I'll try to get the photos asap & post it on blog. :)
So what are you waiting for?
& Take fantastic photossssssss ! ^^.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today, i'm gonna be posting about Life.
its quite random for you guys, but I just feel like posting after reading other ppl's blogs.
[If your Life is screwed up currently, you should read.]
so, whats' going on w your/my Life?
like, seriously.
My life was quite screwed up previously.
But now it was like BIEBERIFFIC. [I shall use this word to replace terrific.]
out of a sudden ! It has turned from the Bad to the Good one.
I didn't realise whats the cause to turn my life to become a good one until I realise this.
'FAITH.' yes, I know you guys might be like maybe "Huh? "
but then its true! Try having Faith inside your heart,
you'll feel the power of the word, Faith.
b'cos of Faith, my life turned back to the normal one, No, its a BETTER one.
previously[If you're a daily reader of my blogger],
I've been like want to die want to die, then what, post about suicide,
I find thats EXTREMELY STUPID now.
b'cos FAITH won the Devil who wanted to hurt me.
I hope you guys have Faith now! & you know,
My girlfriends all posting on Twitter saying those EMOEMO quotes.
PLEASE LAH YOU GIRLS! Don't emo! Cheer!
Don't everyday sad face! Must happy face !
Life isn't about sorrows! Its all about having fun, enjoying life!
see! Now I everyday twitter about Justinbieber out of a sudden. [Hahahahaahah.]
So, YOU GUYS MUST ENJOY LIFE! Don't lose Faith in yourself okay!
Believe yourself that YOU CAN get through that pain you're suffering right now.
Once you have FAITH, Faith will bring you out of the Devil's hands.
Have Faith!
[Credits to those who brought me out of situations : My girlfriends, HeartOfGod,&my peers.]
[Alright, next part of my post, i'm gonna be talking about 'Different parts of Lives.' ]
Ready? okay! Go!
Okay, so now, Its all about Different parts of Lives.
I've read alot of blogs . [Secondary school students.]
Obviously, I read @Xiaxue's blog also.
kk, letme talk about Secondary school students first. Follow by Xiaxue.
I think secondary school Life is the best part among our whole entire Life.
You see, we all will post photos up when we're on a outing,
its a MUST take photo outing yea. &,
when ppl sees, they enjoy reading your post.
cos its full w Photos! But i think readers are more interested in the photos than the posts.
orelse whats, 'Let the Photos do the Talking' ? yea!
I love viewing ppl's blog & read their Photo doing Talking post.
it makes the whole blog interesting!
Like, Xiaxue's ! [Moving on to her!]
her life is like... extremely cool&fun!
she has photos in each&every blog post. [some short-posts dont have obviously.]
& I think thats what made her, enjoying her Life right now. [maybe not~ dontknow~]
so, if your blog is without any photos on every post, its extremely BORING.
Ppl dont want read. Try to have photos, emo one also can!
If you dont like to camwhore, what for have a good phone/camera? :o
Emo kind one like this,

Or, ppl who love to say alot of lovelovelove thingy like this,

Does it make your post nicer/interesting & make ppl have the urge to read like no matter what,
diedie MUST read finish?
Definitely YES for me!
In order to let you enjoy more of your life, you must have a interesting blog to make your life
much of more interesting!
Readers would love these photos. Like seriously, who don't?
For me, I love Xiaxue's blog cos she has alot of photos.
&that made me think that her blog makes her life much more interesting!
Alright, I suppose I've typed a long & quite kinda naggy post.
gonna meet Iris soon, see you guys around the next time I'll be posting!
Bye! ^^.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yea, i'm here to give a slightly short update. :)
So, alright, I'm more into two blogs nowadays &
thats Onsugar &
Tumblr ! ;)
lesser of Blogger.
yea.. so .. alright, just drop by & give updates. ^^.
&&&&&&&&&&&! Most importantly,I'm always ACTIVE on,
Twitter ! :D
yeap! So you can chose to Follow me . :)
*Reminder : Due to I'm counted as over-active @ twitter, so, i may flood abit of twitter sometimes, mind that! :) *
I hope to see new followers after this post yeayeayea. ^^.
I do researches on him yeayeayea. ^^.
You can view Onsugar or Tumblr. its like siaow please.
haahah. ;)
& yea, DL Zone Camp has just ended yesterday!!!!! Sad right!
No worries laaaaa. ;)
@Onsugar has HeartOfGod DL Zone Camp #1 & #2 ! :)
view it :D
Alrighttttttttttt, &,
releases - New episode of Chick Vs Dick . Episode 60,
The Games Challenge ! See how they vs each other through games ! ^^.
New episode of Room 101 No room for fear !
Exam 7 . - Disgusting insects! see who's the one who failed this time round & have to leave
Room 101 !
heh. alright, done advertising,
Byebye! ^^.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

HIHI! (:
I'm just here to say ..
I might stop posting on blogger, instead,
on ..
Click HERE to direct you to Onsugar. :)
ofcourse, I'll definitely come back to Blogger & maybe ..
post for a few times aite!(:
okay! Byebyeeee peoples.
Onsugar! :D

Happy Birthday Christal Kuan! :D
Saturday, June 12, 2010

I know she's very pretty. :)
okay, firstly.
Its officially your 13th Birthday!
May God always bless you& all your wishes come true!
although i've moved house, & we're like.. miles apart, but i've never forgotten you!
Its the ...................... 4th year i've known you ever since Primary 2 , we're in the same class,
& we're seperated to other classes when we're in Primary 3, & Primary 5,
fate brought us back to be friends/classmates again!
morever, we're BESTFRIENDS! :)
This year, we're again seperated into different schools again, I wished if i still live @ woodlands,
i'll go Fuchun too! But no worries, I'll drop by Woodlands to vist you alright?
*Promise! & hope you're doing fine @ there,
Forever love you,
Raquel! :)
Alright! Service later on & DL Camp is arriving !!!!
Next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! :D
My parents gave objection, but who cares?
I don't care. I'll talk them out. FOR SURE, I'm going for the camp , NO MATTER what.
Kayyyyy, byebyeeeeeeeeeeee peoples. Stay tune for the next ... dk when will update ler! :D
BB! :D
HELLO, I'm back! @ [6.07PM]
okay, the reason why I'm back here partly is because... alot of things. ;)
Service just now, &It was terrific. :D
well ... I HAVE FAITH. :D Thanks for Ivan talking about Faith for our service today! :D
& .. I miss my clique. :(
How bout we go out next week maybe when we're free? :)
I want see you guys! :(
Heh. okay, i've nothing to post anymore.
lalalalalal. Stay tune to twitter updates & FOLLOW me on twitter~
& Last but not least, I LOVE CELINE Y. :D

Student Councilor #2. :D
Sunday, June 6, 2010

HI peoples. :)
promised to update second part of SCTC. :)
Day 2.
early in the morning, i woke up naturally. (how amazing cos I reminded Maria to wake me up!)
Saw Peiyun, Jinghui, Nurlina, & others starting to prepare.
then I look around to see whose still sleeping. xD
saw a few of them still sleeping, ESP . Lynn. xD
she slept so soundly!
then Yanxin asked me whether want to wake Lynn up anot. I took a glance @ the clock,
asked her not to wake her up. Suddenly a thought of scared being late for assembly time,
I woke Lynn up. :)
me&Kelly went to the toilet tgt. ;)
then i went back into classroom & pack, went down w Kelly to canteen before assemble.
then alll of them came down to report.
Mr Zuhri brief us about the Pulau Ubin thing , then off we go to take bus. ;)
Team 1 - 4 same bus. :)
ontheway to Changi Terminal to take bum-boat to Pulau Ubin.
Reached Pulau Ubin, brief & brief & brief . START AMAZING RACE. ;)
First checkpoint : Ubin Lodge.
Everybody managed to find it. ;) when we reached thr, all people searching for the board.
they hide it ! Lynn found it. & then Eagles set off for thier next station.
oh gosh, our team think brilliantly, we set off for third check-point : Balatok Hut.
found the board thr, coloured, next check-point : Murai Hut.
found the board also, coloured, next check-point : Kelichap Hut.
ontheway we got saw teachers/ex-cos riding bike yea !
then we're getting closer & closer to our v. last Check-point. : Camp-site :D
then saw Niche. Say Hihihihihihi. Off we go for last check-point. xD
it was totally fun yea. for the whole Amazing Race. xD
while waiting for the other teams to arrive, Mr Lee teached us how to cook our own food. ;D
We learnt out-door cooking & IT WAS TERRIFIC. :D
I cooked my own Instant noodles. :)!
Yay, & it was YUMMMMMMMY. :D
Super nice lor ! xD & then Zhiyin told me she don't have saussage cos the 'ahnehs' in her group destroyed it.
So I cooked one for her(:
after that, assemble again, refill water. Off to a LONG LONG LONG HIKE.
10KM ! (You guys try walking.) Same as Orientation camp huh.
but atleast @ SINGAPORE lor ! That one @ Pulau Ubin leh!
long walk. everybody tired. :(
then up to the hill, played Game. Egg Structure. Using straws to build a Egg Structure ,
then Mr Chin throw egg, cannot crack. 50 points. :D
then Mr Lee say can give 50 leh! but end up we only got 25. :(
sigh, but nvm ! we all enjoyed it. :D
then take Group photo. :)
FUN K. :D then, rest awhile, WALK all the way back.
real tired yeaaaaa !!!! :( along the way, share water w Zhiyin, cos her 2 Litre watter bottle,
dropped & CRACKED, Spoiled.
everybody walk until the leg pain ler. :( even me ah! cos my leg muscle Thursday Dance,
then pain. then now worse ler.
but we enjoyed the whole camp !!!!!!! :)
hehehe. going back school, Mr Zuhri told us that We'll be called if we're selected.
on the last week of June holidays.
So, hopefully I'm selected ! :) heh. wish me luck huh.
then , release . OFF WE GO HOME ! :D
everybody happyhappyhappyhappy. :D
& thats the end of my Student Councilor Training Camp photos. ;)
K, i hate this bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. she seems to copy me lor ? -_________-
I cannot stand monkey see monkey do. YOU MONKEY!
please stop copying lah. -____- don't ever think that you're AWESOME.
you're not girl. You're just don't have the sense of ORIGINALITY.
K. BYE READERS. Stay tune to updates.

Student Councilor. :D
Saturday, June 5, 2010

NO PHOTO today. :D
I'm here to start my Student Councilor Training Camp post. :D
Day 1.
Early in the morning my futha woke me up & i went bathing, check my bag,
& i go to school. Met Zhiyin&Kelly @ fitness corner, wah. see they da bao xiao bao one lor !
hahahahah. xD
went school in Full Uniform. wah. w TIE somemore leh!
everybody complaining hot weather. V. what ~
then, start camp, Firstly, Recite pledge w ex-co & Bendemeerian Code.
we must be super loud then Ex-co leh! But we all did a good job. *Claps*
then we took too long, punishment. 1 round around Parade square, UNIFORM + TIE.
wah. everybody want die want die ler. but all of us manage to pull it through w.o making
any mistakes anymore. so no need run. :D
so .. did our grouping, I'm in the same team as Maria, Aisyah, Nicholos, Aloysious.
then go up hall, first activity, " Team Building. "
we have to name our group, build up a flag representing our group &, create a cheer.
thanks to Ms Yeo, we successfully created our Cheer. :D
& our flag is also well done. :D I used some of WRPS' school values though! :D
our team name is " The Awesome 5. " :D
A.W.E.S.O.M.E have some meaningful values .
lazy name out all. name out next time. :)
k, after that, present & then we paired up w the first team, Niche. :)
Natahsha, Kerxin, Nurlina,Weijie & Eugene. then we walk around school w our seniors,
played game. :D both of our teams scored an even score later that. :D
My team cheer, " Sliding down the banister, Landing on a Pin. We all know that,
after that, walk around school play games.
then lunch,
DIALOUGE SESSION w Mr Subra , Mr Jerry Seah , Mrs Wong(principle), Mr Kwok(vice-principle).
its fun though, quite alot of people asked question luh. xD
Mrs Wong say, " Boys are so little, Girls, later become 'The Empire of Women. "
omg, everybody laughed. :D
then night, camp-fire night. everybody performed.
Niche & The Awesome 5 ENTERTAINED MS YEO. :D
she laughed. :D
aft supper , camp-fire all these, all of us last briefing on what to do the next day,
Lights off. :)
heh. okay, i shall continue tomorrow alrights? :)
I promise I'll. :D
currently chatting w one of my senior , i think ex-co huh. Elton.
heh. alright, gottagooooooooooooooooo.
Booooooooo, bye ! (:

♥ ; God, Life, Peers, YOU.
Thursday, June 3, 2010

I , , YOU , GUYS ! :D
See you all back on saturday night/sunday morning/afternoon/night ! :D
Wish me luck ! Bye ! :)

Here I stand, thirsting for you.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello peoples ! :D
I suddenly have the urge to update blog luh!
Dontknow why also!
okay.. i'm leaving for camp on Friday morning 7.45AM.
Needa report before 8.30AM yea. Go meet Zhiyin .
then meet Brandon, Maria(maybe~) . then go in school.
lalalalal. Hopefully me&zhiyin will be selected!
but Zhiyin going for Choir yea. :(
sigh. until 1PM then come join us. Awwww, please. Let Zhiyin in my group!
& ! Yesyesyesyesyesyes, I'm meeting JAMI !
How long ever since I've seen this Shopping queen !?
SUPER LONG OKAY. gonna go arrange. ;)
I miss JSJM! Heh. Seeyousooooooooooooooon. :D
K luh. Go chat w my Pauhpauh ler.
Bye peoples. :)

Not available. :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I suddenly have the urge to update huh! hahah. xD
cos i have something to announce. :)
I'm not avalible for 4th - 5th June !
StudentCouncilor Camp. :)
The last selection process .. Sigh, scared leh me!
gonna work extremely hard tgt w Zhiyin!
May God bless the both of us, Amen !
gonna go out soon, w Huiling & Joelyn! ()
On the msn w my Pauhpauh & Lexmond. :)
this might be my last update yea ~ I'll be updating on Sunday maybe? :)
hehe. oke lah. don't crap much ler. come back w photos.
Oh! &&&&&&, Yixuan'grand-daughter, Yirui, & Rongquan'brother caught w a flu,
Bye . :)
God gave me that affinity that I desired. -
" Even you done a sin, People will remember, you will remember,
but God won't. "
He'll say, " I don't remember what this person had done. "
God, chose to forgive.
[ Back @ 8.03PM ! ]

okay, I love this photo. :)
hehe. Check out for Huiling or Joelyn for updates ! :)
bye, (:


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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take a bow
