Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hi readers.
; what i want to say is in the photo. kthxbye.

May this June be a happy one.

- / that I don't bear to leave you. 
Hello readers, it's 31st may today & tomorrow's 1st June!
Hopefully June will be a happy month for me~ please I want to keep myself as busy as possible yea~
& I'm gonna work yo :)
3 days, so fast, so not good for me. ._.
well, hopefully he's living well. something so not used to it but hopefully I'll get used to it, SOON.
when I have the urge to chat with him, the first thing i typed in the empty box was, " Baby .. " and I stopped for a second and backspace away all the letters I typed wrong & changed to " Hi, " well that's soooo simple.
Well, I agree w Oxy. Everything has a start & has a end. And it's better for him also.
Sad? Obviously I cried & feel so sad about the matter. But when I stopped for a minute and think,
It's not that I would keep him forever with me. Obviously I would want him back, but one day he's still gonna leave me again even if I had him back right? Maybe the love went too deep, way tooooooooooooo deep.
sigh. we're somehow back to square one. -> Strangers.
How sad.
Alright will blog again.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Goodmorning all.
I have school tomorrow and i dun wan to sleep yet.
I fake die in Facebook. (dunneed to understand if you dun understand lmao)
Well, i'm just simply gonna escape from Facebook. I'm freaking sad ._.
Seriously his case is x1000000000000000000 worse than Gavin Lim.
at least Gavin Lim i .. er somehow like dun really love but only like him.
& this one OMG MY LONGEST RELATIONSHIP LEY! 说得容易,做起来难!
wah how i wish i can throw everything out to someone.
Stuffing words inside my heart is very painful. :(
okay maybe i will throw everything here. Hm i dunno.
okay hopefully i will get over this soon. :(
Will try to blog everyday because this might be my third home <3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello people.
the love story ended.
; i still love you, though. 

I'm officially missing you. :'(
Monday, May 23, 2011

I thought I'd thought that I  have no mood to blog today. Well, things ain't going very well.
Alright, bye readers, see you all 3 days later.
You all rock \m/
Ofcourse i still Love you, no matter yesterday, today, tomorrow, future, i'll still do. 
Will you? :'( 

If you think so THIS way, then let YOU be.
Sunday, May 22, 2011

okay today got 'a lot' of things to blog about :D
So yeah lets start off with .. er i dunno what should i start off w first! -_-
Okay, so .. me & boyf back to like the days I cried like effing shit.
Really very .. heartbreaking lah but still must be strong enough to pull it through.
but i seriously hate it lor. I hope you're not reading, SERIOUSLY.
Doesn't mean I didn't say anything means I don't mind okay?-.-
okay say also angry only, dun wan say liao.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKAY, so, tomorrow's English Oral, like freaking hell yeah -_-
My heart will start to pump & pump & pump until i cannot breathe and i will eat my own words, and i will
start to utter and I will start to say all the Singapore English, and I WILL FAIL MY ENGLISH ORAL! :(
Oh man . HAHAHAHAHAHAH i got very good imaginations yo :P
Okayokay i'm feeling tired liao , wan stop blogging and this' my last thing i wna blog about!
I'll be AWAY from 24th-26th for KL trip! {: 
Will not blog tomorrow! & HELL YEAH PHOTOS WILL BE UPLOADED {: 
Takecare all! I love all of you! 

It's okay baby please don't cry~
Thursday, May 19, 2011

HI! :D
Okay i just wna tell the readers of this lousy blog,
tomorrow's our first month & yay ;)
Okay bye :P post again tomorrow! Bye! :D

2 more days! (L)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey yo yo! :D
well okay I'm freaking bored, thats why I'm here :')
see how good am I to you readers out there!
Or maybe nobody reading aiya nvm lah. Your know my HEART can liao. HAHAHAHAAHAH. :P
Okay so .. KL trip next week, will blog about all the crap like, dun contact me lalalalalal~ y'all know. .__.
& yea gonna help out for the Sec 1 training camp during the june holidays. i will have fun & get serious work done~  Hell yeah KL trip is gonna be GREAT! I believe in that strongly! :')
alright, i love my boyfriend/husband/baby/dear/what i call him i will not reveal here
:P lalalalalala~ okay i shall sleep soon i still have school tomorrow!
kthxbye! :D

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hi readers! :D
okay these few days will be damndamndanmdamndamndamn busy!
hell yeah busy -_-
Last Friday -> David's party.
Ytd -> City Care .
Tdy -> Yushu's party.
Tmr -> Hanhui's birthday.
Tsday -> Buy prezzie for David.
& my dad's not giving me any MONEH at ALL -_-
Hell freak that! Super angry :@
okay i'm out soon!
Byebye! love all of you! <;

I don't know why am I like this.
Thursday, May 12, 2011

You guys must be wondering why this lazylazylazy Raquel's updating her blog everyday now.
basically i'm just pure bored & nothing better to do to post wonderful emotional photos for you guys .
How amazing am I! Okay enough crap. So it was Literature paper today. & it was expected that i don't really
know how to do the questions but i attempted~
And hell yeah seriously tomorrow's my last last last & FINAL paper, Home Economics paper! I hope..
I will do ... well .____. although i have not much confidence in it, but, yeah, GOOD LUCK :)
Okay relationship problems.
I seriously dunno why, my classmates are having conflicts among themsleves. & this irritating classmate of mine even went & like.. trying to spoil my the other classmates' reputation -.-
it seriously sucks. -.- ;
I feel so lonely.

I'm singing a break up song, goodbye my love
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello Awesome readers! ( er i wonder if there's anybody reading also ._. )
okay fine whatever~ Hmm so.. i dunno ah, maybe i think too much.
but I seriously sense no love .___________________________.
you know you mean the WHOLE WORLD to me :(
i love you a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot! You should know that ...
but for the past 2 days we've been talking like normal friends :(
seriously NORMAL. which i dislike/hate it a lot :(
See each other, HI, BYE.
I dun like you know :(
I dunno whether will you be reading this or not, but i just wna tell you,
i love you. 
My dearest 
ClaudiaP, smile up & i love you~

i ♥ you!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shy bear ^^.
Hi! :D wah miracle lor seriously i will blog. hahahahaha :D 
Okay so .. today was my Mother tongue paper. 
It's quite shitty lah ._. cos i think i wrote badly for paper 1, 
i think i answered badly for paper 2. The first question of paper 2 i already blur liao still wan me continue ._.
kay lah i got continue :D HAHAHA wth me lameee!
Okay & yeah paper ended at 12noon. 
I kept having cold sweat! WTH seriously, i'm like omg i'm feeling cold why i have cold sweat -.-
these few days huh, weather really DBT . .___. 
Ofw. okay today my hairstyle was....  freaking hell xmm . 
i only can say it's xmm. Seriously! 
Alright i'm so bored :( 
tomorrow maths paper! goodluck to bendemeerians & all other people having exams! 
I love my husband :P 

thats the kind of dude i'm looking for!
Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so lazy to update.
seriously .____________.
okay so my life's been a bore.
but yeah my amazing boyfriend bright it up :D
i love my boyfriend :P
Tra la la la la la la la ~ :D
Oh yeah General Elections 2011's over, & NICOLE REBECCA SEAH XUE LING
didn't won for Marine Parade GRC :(
*sobsob* kkay forget it -____- it's overrrrrrrr;
wtf i super bored lah. lazy to continue further

Happy Birthday Baby! (L)
Thursday, May 5, 2011

I LOVE YOU! ^^. 
Currently, not asleep yet .________.
freak ._.
stupid lah okay i really gonna go force myself to sleep now~
Maths Paper 1 tomorrow -_-
Okay goodnight people,
i love youuuuuuuuu (K) :D


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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take a bow
