Happy night :)
Monday, October 31, 2011

Greetings earthlings! 
Happy girl tonight!! :) 
because get to talk like normal friends :) *ooh made a wish @ 11:11 :):)
omg happy max first time talk like last time ;)
at least not so cold like strangers though!! Omg if we talk everyday (Y) HAHAHA k like that sound 
like.. idk HAHAHA! ;
Sigh though my 11:11 wish is about the same person all day loooong~ 
hm my wish will never come true but omg half came true! 
Thanks Kaywee & Chinyi for listening to me!!! Hehehe i'm happy max now!! HAHAHA
okayokay tonight will sleep well liao HAHAHA! 
Okay bye all! till tomorrow! :') 


Like a skyscraper
Sunday, October 30, 2011

I think i'm irritating.. 
I think i'm annoying.. 
to you especially. T.T this feeling kinda suck.. 
I don't know. Especially when i'm talking to you, you don't find me irritating/annoying meh!? 
Can talk like in the past a not? Haha i guess not. 
Happy cos i talk to you just now, unhappy cos i find myself irritating IF I'd continue the 
K. bye all. Till tomorrow~ 

the long walk
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Actually I don't know what to post about.
Hm.. it has been 155days. Surprised? OMG I THINK PEOPLE WILL FREAK OUT.
HAHA! k la, a bit.. over haha! ah okay!
School's okay today! Practically it's the last day of school today and next week we're all on HOLIDAY liao.
for Bendemeerians la! Idk other schools. HAHAHA! Went for publicity today~
First Toa Payoh Primary school. Omg damn big la the school and this p6 guy look like p1 boy omg HAHAHA super small & cute!! :b
Okay i'm lazy to write out the loooong story la k.
OH YEAH. This' for my good friend used to be.
I'm not hating you or anything. I just cannot believe it. You rather believe her words than mine?
You rather trust her more than me? You rather give up your friendship because of love? Okay, fine then.
My reaction is only just, "Wow, i just lost a good friend. " Liddat only! also won't die what?
Farewell. You definitely will live better.
Bye all come back later~

Drop dead diva
Thursday, October 27, 2011

GREETINGS, it's 12:14am right now,
i'm blogging. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay ^ the picture is like
Primary 5. CAN BELIEVE NOT?! Ugly to the max HAHAHAHAHA
Alright today's 27th October.. sigh so sad :(
really ah.. okay, heading to Marina Barrage later on! Last day with 2N2 :'(
I'm super sad lah okay!!! :(
Alright byebyeeeee ;)!

today's marina barrage trip was fun!!!!! :)
Super duper! Took a lot of photos :) Claudia's & Mavis' cam.. spammed. ROFL :b
hehehe & today last day i'll be seeing 2N2 already. :(
& my friends omg. 2 months loooooong holiday! Don't even know will contact not. :(
& soon.. 1 year's flying & it's gonna be 2012.. Sigh sec2 life just fly so fast for me!
okay it's the 5th month today HAHAHAHA alright my internet after move to new room
every day also IE got connection prob ah, irritating max. tomorrow got publicity until 12-1230~ ._.
don't even know whether will see 2N2 a not.. Okay! Blog tomorrow!
Bye all!
Raquel signing off, :)

5th month woohoo hahahaha 

Because i still feel the same way
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hey Hi ho hello all! :')
i'm blogging today cos got interesting stuffs happen HAHAHA not really interesting la
a bit.. embarrassing T.T
I nearly bumped into him, cheeken neh !@#$%^&*()_+ i scream leh! Embarrassing + Clumsy to the max!!
omg, so pssssssss! I feel so clumsy. Tsk. Dk why also will scream. Think cos didn't expect that it's him
if others i will just "OMG" liddat only but him I just went @#$%^ -_-
K la nvm forget it, oh yeah i found out that i'm gonna miss 11/11/11 11:11 :'(
cos? sc camp T.T WAAAAA SAD TO THE MAX :<
it's okay!! on 11/11/11, 11:11, i'll make a wish. :)
this wish will come true right .. ? sigh idk. ;
Okay school was okay today, but boring, tmr Deepavali!!
Happy Deepavali Pavi! :D then tmr.. celebrate deepavali~
Sigh i miss Preya & Prasanth. :( every year give us those biscuits one!! tho i never eat every time
my parents & sis eat la HAHAHA i hope they're doing fine! <3
Thursday - Marina Barrageeeee~ :)
Ah okay shall stop hereeee, blog tomorrow again maybe!!! bye! :)

Love is ouch
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hello all~
alright, today's boring, tonight's 50 happy, 50 sad.
i stare at your comment for like 5mins cos i was happy hehe:)
but at last also never talk to me.. sigh.. :(
never mind also, maybe you busy talking to others~ I too extra to interrupt. T.T
sigh i very noisy right, don't you agree readers?
I am so sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. ;(
I must be irritating. Tsk aiya it sucks to be me.
要跟你讲话真的很难.. :(
How I wish you could hear me out for just one time.... haiya or maybe.. better not.
you might find me long-winded & think you're wasting your time on me listening. kk better not.
Sigh dk la.
goodbye all. till the tomorrow. :(


Friday, October 21, 2011

Greetings earthlings~
I am so emotional. Don't like it.
Hate it somehow. Dislike it when i have no mood & then i start to blablablablablabla, idk.
Argh i'm sad. the same old reason again all the time.
Sigh i really wan to talk to you, you know you know? But i really find myself irritating & annoying.
And.. awkward.
& I think i'm a burden. ; & if you're busy or playing any games,
then suddenly I " Hello! " , if you miss any shot or like really busy in just doing some certain things, omg
i just ruin your time doing busy stuffs. T.T
Sigh forget it~
Bye all.

I'm tired.. :(

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hello all hello hello ;)
alright i'm blogging oftenly now i guess~ hehehe :)
fun blogging :D hm, okay got my streaming form today, poa first choice~
A maths 3rd choice cos i know dbl cfm i won't get in one. :D
Urgh please i wan take POA :(
Today in school shiok only!! I get to experience how a sec4 feels like :\ hmm.. hahaha
but i will miss sec2 life. :(
Cannot imagine how's life gonna be in Sec3.. D; omg i wan to cry alr. *teary eyes*
another neutral day for me.. yesterday was happier. :)
Today's just .. neutral T.T or should i say every day was neutral only the days got special things
happen then i happy? :) Hehehe
oh someone read my blog, thanks for reading. It's true k i really want you to read badlyyyyyyyyy ._.
Ahhhh okay *sob i am so sad so bored no one's talking to me. :'(
Alrighttttt shall stop here, bye all!

Happy 20th October to all~
6months. -

this post is for you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello all! :) 
^ my title of the day, : This post is for you. 
Alright, I think I really want to write a post for you. 
Hmm.. alright. Let me start ~ 
Hi friend, i don't know if you still remember how we met. It's a very weird case though. 
through your friend T.T HAHAHAHA, thanks for adding me up on Facebook~ 
on the same day as your ex-girlfriend~ Hm.. when you started talking to me, hm maybe love at first sight? 
Idk! Well, truly, I've indeed fallen for you. That's kinda sad, because you got a girlfriend alr. 
But i don't mind actually Hahaha! My mindset for that time is.. Friends can already. HAHA!
after knowing you for some time, a lot of things happened, i don't wna mention the pain in the past. 
-Skip- Thanks for loving me, this sound weird, but I don't care; Really, seriously. Thanks for the 
happy memories you gave & yah thanks. Okay you must be having goosebumps now. Do that disgust you? Aiya i feel so shy ._. Okay okay, and of course, if there are happy memories, there will be sad memories,
k all the sad memories, once again. -Skip- ; eh you know a lot of my secrets! Cannot say okay. 
To be honest, I still trust you as much as how I do in the past. And i'm sorry if you find me irritating/
annoying.. I just want to talk to you sometimes. Understand me please. &, I'm still unclear of our relationship now. Strangers/Friends/Enemies? I don't know. K i got a very small secret to tell you. 
(If you happen to read, read till the end) 
Okay maybe it's my loss to lose you, maybe not. I don't know. Up to you to say. 
I got a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot lots & lots & lots & lots & lots of words to say to you, you know? 
Hahaha, i bet you also will not show any interest in listening one, so i decide to bottle up. 
Maybe you hate me? Wah if you really do, i don't know how. Yes, i still miss you at times, somehow, 
i feel weird after we stopped talking. You can feel the awkwardness not! Can right! I don't know how's 
your daily life living recently.. as what I see on Facebook every day is only FML FML FML. 
Don't F your life can? No good okay?! Though we don't talk already i still care alright. Ah okay,
I really got so many things to tell you but i don't want say here.
You wan know the secret right, okay. You continue reading will have one hahahaha! 
I don't know whether you'll read not.. I still hope you won't read it. But this time I'd prefer you to read :)
Alright! I'm done!! :) 
Okay i have to say the secret. but i hope no one else reading this except you. hmm nvm. hahahaha. 
It's the common story behind every girl with a broken heart.

2004111259 i still like you. :\
oi. don't freak out hor. i'm being honest here. 

Okay bye! :) 

Super bass
Monday, October 17, 2011

Hi all! :) 
Not surprised ah, i'm posting. HAHAHA! ;)
Okay, school later, i'm super duper ultra lazy to go school & also i'm sick :( 
Damn xinku leh, every time sleep ler then wake up jiu feel like damn xinku cannot breathe. 
then cough cough cough cough then sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze then throat like got wan die liao. T.T
Argh. Pissed off at myself's weak body. -_- 
& some more hor, after exam ley, everybody party party me leh, sick -__-
& people eat good food, I take fish porridge. :) Damn nice leh. (Y) -__-
Then get my mood fucked up like !@#$%^&*()_+ for no reasons, worst than having girls period. 
Okay forget it, i just hope i get well soon, please okay body? Stay sick-free for this school period only. 
after school's out, you can sick for all you want! I don't care :) 
Omg yeah i hate die the who who who ah. (some of you should know), wah. 
I don't like you ley. Really seriously. -__-. 
Argh okay. Too much rants no good. 
Okay byebye! :) 

# - When will we talk like how we used to again? :( 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hi all! Okay random update ah. 
Nothing much to update also, i'm .. sick. 
terribly sick. omg like can die. my nose & throat can literally just kill me. argh . -.- 
#nowplaying - KARA, STEP ~ Hehe, nice songggg (Y) 
Sigh. I miss the days we just chat w each other randomly. & it's like everyday. 
I am so sad. How i wish i can talk to you like without awkwardness, it's freaking awkward la wah :@
& Stupid Raihan i hope you read this badly. y u tell me?! 
Argh stupid. now it's bothering me k. Ah whatever. Forget it what I should know, then know, don't know,
then don't know. K good, 
Okay, so yeah. tomorrow got school ah actually. 9:30 leh, early max max max. 
& I miss my girlfriends, i want talk to them badly :'( Sad sad sad. 
Ah k. Shall blog again. 

Hi, do you still think of me?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hi all! :) 
Okay, today school was.. just exam. HAHAHAAHA. 
OMG. 1 more day! seriously, then exams will be over over over!
& We'll all wait for results.. then promotion day then holidays!!! 
Omg. Can't wait for the results release.. i will do well .. right? :( 
Aiya! Forget it nvm. :D 
Ah k today not much things to update. Unless later got interesting things happen, then i'll update. 

Well.. life gets better, don't they?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Well, hello all. :D
Little things do mean a lot.
I think i sort of happy ah. He talk to me on Facebook! Oh my goodness.
i'm like HUH when he talked to me. The feeling seems.. familiar.
Not very strange, weird, funny; but familiar.
The feeling can't use words to describe, but, i feel good. ~
I happy for a moment la, but also feel shocked. Like so sudden?!
But nvm, i happy. :D
At least got talk la. But awhile jiu stop ler. Aiya maybe he also dun wan talk to me. But nvm!! :)
But really sort of miss the days we talked. OMG WHY AM I RAKING UP THE PAST?! WTF ._.
Okay, i shall blog again! With dedications again maybe? (:
Omg i have so many friends i want to dedicate to.. okay!
Shall stop here! :)
He wouldn't read this right? I hope not.. Even if he do, hm what's his reaction? Ah kk!
Bye all! :)
Love ya~

Leave no regrets
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hey lo! Hi all. :D gonna continue doing dedications to people! :)
So let's continue with..

Hello Jiahui! :) 'Sweethearty. :D
You're a very nice senior! Always seeing you smiling!
Stay happy okay!! Sometimes I see you emo on Facebook ah!
Must smile everyday!! :)
Always here for you :')
I love you! :)

Hello Mama Evan! :D
Happy not to see your face here? :b
thanks for all the care in Sc! & even after you stepped down you're still listening to my words
whenever I need you to talk to!! Really thanks a lot for all the funny funny jokes :D
Must come back visit me okay?
I love you! :)
Okay the following content is NC16. K ROFLROFL JOKING.
K la k la, requested post. HI DARREL. (:
Super stalker lor you. & after reading this dedication you better leave one tag k.
BETTER! HAHAHA k la, you're a very nice senior as well. :)
Do well for your O levels next year & COME BACK VISIT ME. :D
hehehe, all the best! :)
I love you! :)

Hi Audrey !(:
Everytime i see you you always have a unique way of saying Hi to me! :D
Instead of those normal waves, smiles, you just give me a wink & a kiss. HEHE :D
You also smile always & soon you'll find true love alright? (:
I love you! :)

Hi Fong! (:
I love your energy level in Dance Club, always. :D
You're a very coooooool girl! I love how much our character seem so alike!
Because we're borned on the same date, different year only! :)
Hehe forever toyfriend!:)
I love you! :)
K the following sorry no photos my fb lag half way. T.T
You're a very sot girl lor please.
& right, you know i know right, we both always don't like the same person one HAHAHAHA!
K la you cheer up don't always sad sad :( Okay?
I don't like see you sad la! Smile everyday!
I love you! :)
Hi both sot! :D k lah i had fun with the both of you + ong jingyi for the whole exam period!
we keep seeing each other ;) hehehe i like the both of you a lot ahhhhh :)
awesome friendsssss :D (Y) happy always okay? :D
I love you! :)
k bye ROFL no la joking only, you're damn sot lor . Same as me :b
thankssss for being such a besttttttttttttt friend to me! :)
You damn easy to bully HAHAHAHA k la k la.
I love you! :)
HELLO :b Ruler & eraser forgotten :D
now the 和尚 ;) You have a very fun-loving character!
I like your character :) Hehe. :D I love your HUH?! every time when you don't get my words. :b
HEHE! Smile always alright? :)
I love you! :)
Jingwei ,
K, hi. I know you wouldn't be reading, that's why i'm writing this to you.
you're a nice guy overall you know? but sometimes damn cheeky.
We may not be as close as before and though i don't really know you well now, but i believe you're still as
nice as before right? Don't change for a worse you okay, I don't like & I believe others won't like it
as well, OKAY? ._. K i know you must find me very long-winded if you're reading this. But i don't care cos I just want to write this loooong loooong note to you; People say you dog, bastard, bitch whatever they call you, just ignore lah! You have your rights to ignore these. & k i'm sincerly sorry for what I did to you in the past k. Bygones are bygones i don't wna mention them neither do you, right. & I doubt we'll be talking for the next few years spent in Bendemeer. K that's kinda sad(to me), cos we're good friends in the past. Ah k. Nvm, i hope you don't read this. Hahaha, k bye. :)

Okay i'm done! :) those people who appeared here i never bias or anything okay!!
I random picked for dedications!!
I'll do one more for ALLLLLLLL of my friends during dec!!:)
Love you all! :)

Can I get you back?
Sunday, October 9, 2011

HI ALL. Surprise not, today no saddistic photos. Basically i've not done dedications for long alr ah,
so.. yeah i'm gonna do it! :)
I'm gonna do for those whom i'm not very close with in a way, but i'm also close to them in a way as well, & those who i'm very closed to! :D
So.. first up. :D
Oi, Jingyi you better be honored k!
Okay, Hello Jingyi' Stupid gangster(:
Hmm.. we only got close after.. i don't know.
& we started talking to each other like we're just newly known friends!
I love the times spent with you! :) Okay i sincerely apologize for hating you in the past, okay?
I was YOUNG & STUPID then! I love you now! :) okay lah you stay happy alright?
& You're the nice girl i always love. :D & I want faster go out with you okay? & We'll take photos -Grins- ;)
I love you! :)

Hi Kaywee! You can't be surprised to see your face here alright? :D 
Hehehe! You're the.. horniest girl I've met! I can say that proudly here right? (: 
-GRINS- i love your humorous jokes! & your smiles of course! Thanks for always being there for me!
Giving me funniest jokes to make me smile when i'm down! Love you always!
& After exams lets hang out one day together okay? D: 
I love you! :) 
Hello Huiting & Celine! I won't forget the both of you la! :D 
I love the both of you as usual like how I do! Always having fun hanging out with the both of you ;) 
Never ending laughters :D
HuitingLim i loveeee hugging you :) 
CelineYow i loveeee hearing stories from you :) 
the both of you just bright my days! :) Stay happy always okay the both of you? I love you two! :)
Hi Rebecca! :) 
I love your name a lot because your first alphabet is also 'R' (Y) :) 
You own a very special personality of yourself! You're always heck-caring other people on how they judge you! I'm very envious of that point of you! That's what makes you unique right? :) 
You're a very nice girl, Cheers for being my R friend! :) 
I love you! :) *sorry for the status thing once more!! I don't mean it! :\ 
Hey to the both of you! :b GENICE & PEIYUN. :)
Well, first of all, a big big big big big THANK YOU to the both of you for always giving me laughters! :) 
We promised each other we'll still be friends when we grow up alright? :) 
You girls always make me laugh & 'pissed' like mad! I just love those times when we hang out together :) 
Hehe! Love ya always! :) 
I love the both of you! :) 
Okay donkeh. I'm gonna continue tomorrow, too engrossed with Mamma Mia @ Channel 5! 
You guys should watch it too hehehe :)! 
Bye all! 

Marry me can?
Friday, October 7, 2011

Hi, ROFL k. i don't know why i'm so random, updating my blog. :)
hehehe okay.
So, I'm doing Fine, He's doing fine. :D
Most of you should know who i'm referring to though.
K la. Don't ask me, I REALLY DON'T WISH TO CONTINUE ON, but in the end I did. I don't know why. I'm still fond of him. For that going-to 6 months! Everybody WTF please.
K, recently, end of year examinations on going ah ._.
now every day study study study OI I GOT STUDY ONE K. I'm not like some people who plays all day &
just like.. act as if SHE's one hard working lil child & act in front of everybody. Please lah, how old liao?
Still wan act one bitch? K, i'm referring to a lot of bitches.
I mean it, when I like you, I REALLY LIKE YOU, when I hate you, I REALLY HATE YOU.
Just stop acting cute in front of everybody also. & STOP ASKING DUMB QUESTIONS. It's pissing people off.
Urgh please lah, you know you make me really wna .. like.. dying cos of seeing too much of your face? T.T
HAHAHAHAHAHA. that's so funny, you still can laugh w me when i'm saying you.
Ah k, i'm done blabbering shit here. K bye, till next post! :)

OOPS , btw, i'm referring to 4 bitches ROFL HAHAHA


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

August 2008
March 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
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December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
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February 2013
October 2013

take a bow
