Life's full of sparks.
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Greetings souls!
I.AM.FINALLY.BACK.FROM.CAMP! Woohoo! But, i miss camp :(
Okay I'm gonna make a L.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.N.G post on Sc camp alright? :)
all of you must read till the end okay? I love the camp ;)
DAY 1 
Early in the morning got dance, then publicity, then back to school, then camp!
At first not very interested in camp.. like bored. ._. Cos damn moodless after knowing that i'm in 3N3.
F&N & History! Then.. yea just bored & no life like that! Then know our groupings~ HAHA last year i was in Evangeline's group! This year i'm in who's group? :) Boonhuat & Qixuan! HAHAHA. I was shocked ah at first i thought i would be in Marcus Ding's group! HAHAHA okay then briefing for Amazing Race @ Sentosa, get ready day-pack, then off we set off to Sentosa! In the bus a lot of funny things happened! (Y)
reached there, brief again, when we got our clues, thanks to Kerxin the directer, & Lina's clever brain & also
nevertheless the Junkeat, MeiEn, Katsuri, May's opinions & then our team successfully cleared 5 stations!
Okay thanks to Boonhuat & Qixuan also for carrying out the activities also!
Back to school! Survivor Cooking for dinner! Then after awhile, debrief, wash up, made a wish on 11:11pm at our school's staircase SO UNIQUE right everybody @ home use com/phone me leh? In school, wish with Genice my company ^w^ hehe then! LIGHTS OUT~
a very short night indeed!

Morning, wake up, wash up, parade square, PT. :D
then breakfast, then ava room, brief for C.I.P. :)
Set off to C.I.P, in Boonhuat's group once more to clean the handrails & meter box!
OMG. SUPER.. er ah er.. DIRTY should I say!? ._.
me & yongsian keep "!@#$%^&*()- run faster! Run!" HAHAHAHAHA but fun k! ^w^
then after C.I.P, back to school, lunch, then AVA room once more, rest, then brief quick brief on
Dragon-Boating, foyer assemble, then off to Kallang Water Venture!
Reached there, the rain is like.. a bit only, then get ready, same thing, brief on dragon boating,
damn fun!!! 8D Me partner Yap Yu Tong. :D She damn funny oh my goodness laugh like hell!!
I a bit paiseh instructor say Paddles up, should get ready to row, instead i go hold the Paddle really facing up.
HAHAHAHAHA our group won the short race! Woohoo! ^w^
after all the fun, stupid headache start to kill me like omg :@
Back to school, BBQ dinner! OMG. Really. Awesome food! THEN MY FAVORITE EX EX-COs ARE
BACK! ^w^
ALL back!! :D -smilesmile- :)
Then Boonhuat ask me shut up. Damn sad. :( HAHAHA
Okay! After dinner, short imitation of all my Sec2 mates. HAHAHA laugh like hell only!
Oh yeah, we opened a new club ah, anyone wan join The Horny Club? ROFL!
Really joke max!! then after that, Felicia & Yaowei back, played the Sec1 orientation CONFIRM
will play der game(dk the game's name), then after that moved to Parade square,
Dog & bone. Omg super competitive!!! Stupid Raihan! Really ah, stupid max! Snatch the water bottle only!
TSK. HAHAHA then after that Double Whacko~ A bit boring la, then debrief, then mass debrief,
then OFF we go for Supper! For some prata! Hehe chit-chatted a lot!
Back to school, i change sleeping pants, then Deen nag & nag & nag ask all of us to sleep~
then, sing to YuTong, HAHAHAHAHA laugh like hell before we sleep! then, LIGHTS OUT~

Day 3
Morning, wake up, same process, breakfast, then Area cleaning~ :)
after that, Full U, Work plan seminar in AVA once more.
Go back classroom, collect our belongings, back to AVA room, Mr Zuhri addressed us,
then Prize Presentation! Eh my group keep winning okay! Two prizes leh! Enthusiastic & Amazing race!
HAHAHA awesome or what ^w^
then cafe, take photo omg love it a lot okay! Heheeee :D
then blablabla, then BREAK CAMP! Woohoo BEST PART OF THE CAMP. HAHAHA
but i miss camp straight after camp. Wth. HAHAHAHA
had fun this three days! Really thanks for all the laughters! LOVED SC MORE&MORE!
Hehe!! alright! it's 10+ now! Hehe okayy~
Bye all! :D

Read my mind, you will cry.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Emotionally, Mentally not very well easily.
Haha, guess i might suffer from depression any time. ROFL
11/11/11 11:11 is coming soon!! Omg i can only wish in the morning~ but yeah it's ok :)
People getting ready to confess.. ohmy. Wish all of you best of luck!! Hehehe.
Omg if someone confessed to me as well i'll be so touched & cry!! Oh my goodness.
HAHAHAHA but that's not gonna happen to me though :D
alright! Shall stop here for now! SC camp is round the corner!! on 11/11/11! ._.
HAHAHA okay! Bye bye all!

Sigh, it has been 3 days ever since........... have you noticed yet? :(

those words hurt me
Friday, November 4, 2011

I was beside her, i saw everything.
What you said, cut me deep down in.
All the words left unsaid, were all revealed.
But why when I ask you, your mouth was sealed?
Ok. You must be hating me now I suppose?
I didn't meant to.. it wasn't totally me.. :(
Sigh bye all worst day ever.

DJ's rocking in the house tonight
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greetings! Today no picture, today got music for you annoymous readers~ 
Hahaha! Okay the day was okay okay today!! I got no money to follow the co, so i went home~ 
Media Literacy last day today!!! :( omg. Suddenly i love the best four days learning all sorts of crap :b
It's like though a bit boring la from 8am - 3:30pm (omg right HAHA!) Yea I just love it :D 
it's like a new experience! & I just .. LOVE IT :) 
today finish filming, tired ah, keep NG NG. Anyway, thanks a lot Rustin! You taught me a lot! I will try to 
use prezi if i got nth to do cos basically it's super hard to use it. Me & Nathasha keep WTH HOW DOES
THIS CRAP WORK? HAHAHA. but we did it in the end really damn rubbish
you guys can try go tinyurl.com/monstercoco HAHAHAHA okay today's really a neutral day for me, 
just.. too much crap in my brain again wtf. hate it when that happens. T.T 
argh okay i shall stop here anyway tonight no love love stuffs hahahahahahahahahaaha joke 
k bye tomorrow off for publicity! :) 

Hi the hidden message is here!! hahahaha
hm i think i seem to blog about the same person like every time i blog i will mention him. 
I sound like a stalker or rather a pervert omg i am one i think. BITCH MUCH. 
sigh okay idk la same old thing, never talk ~ 
only good friends talk like every day actually T.T we not even good friends wtf i am too bitch. 
argh k ~ nvm bye all~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today's moody for Raquel. 
cried in front of Genice & Peiyun. :'( 
they took my precious heart shapes which mean the whole world to me, but it's not their fault, i know they're trying to cheer me up, right! <3
Damn sad ah, i also dk why i cry eh today omg like suddenly! Peiyun play one damn sad song, then 
i thought of something, then cry. omgggggg y i so lousy. Lousy me.
Sigh.. I also don't know how to cheer myself up. :'( now i like wan cry wan cry liddat. T.T 
aiyo i soooooo lousy T.T a bit a bit jiu cry -_- ok i am going to make a invisible post now~
if you're a clever person, you'll be able to read the hidden message on what i really want to say. 

I really wna talk to you so badly, but i'm scared.
somehow, what's more we have not much topic to talk about. 
"in the past" we used to talk like nobody's business, like any topic also can talk. 
things changed, humans changed as well. Something just changed the both of us completely. 
I guess if i talk to much to you also a bit.. noisy & irritating ah. (This' i ownself say my ownself irritating hor.)
& yea.. i just find myself annoying and irritating to you. argh i hate myself . 


Raquel! 16, kpop music is good ^-^ MBLAQ. INFINITE. EXO. BTS. :D Find me on facebook, Raquel AlienMonster (: Everything here is ©.
Follow me on twitter!

scream out loud

you're on your way

1N2'2010♥ Angela. Celine. Chinyi. Evangeline Genice Huiling HuishanS HuishanT Huiting Jingwen. Kaywee. Lifen. Lisa Mavis Maria. Monik. Peiyun Rachel. Rebecca. Rebecca. Ros. Rongrong. Rongquan. Simin. Teeyah. Zhiyin.
WRPS 6H'09:D Christal Cheries Corrine Esther Fiona Huihui Huixin Jamie Jami Jieying Jiayan Kelly Kimberly Lifang Mavis Miaoling Qixuan Roxanne Roxanne Vicki Ruqin Singling
Cheryl Huiqi'Cousin(: Hunny(: JoeyK Joelyn Jolyn Jiamun Meibei Meiting Priscilla Rachel Rebecca Ulrica Vivian Xinyi Zhenhui Zhirou

gone with the wind

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take a bow
